VIDEO: Seed Tape and Pea Protection – Allotment Grow How
Today I try and construct some decent pea protection and I also sow a few vegetables.
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Well hello John Nada you are soooo 1988. I'm thinking it might be birds they love pea tops this time of year and will peck them down to stumps. I think your mesh will do the trick anyway if it is birds but mice make holes underground so that might not work. I reckon the beetroot may be OK, when they are leggy like that you can plant them really deep up to the first leaf, I would have planted mine in a bit of good compost as well to give them a better chance. This time of year is a tricky one, so many young plants are knocked back by slugs, birds and mice, maybe its time to stand out all night in your shed door with your barrel shotgun to keep those critters away Hee hee
From a cinematic view, this is like a remake of The Martian. At least Ridley Scott never made me feel like I was being buried in a trench with some bloody peas.
again great camera work absolutely !! those pesky mice, you might want to try sowing some a the greenhouse or on the window sill and then planting the seedlings out when they're fully formed so the mice can't pinch the peas.
Hi I soaked my peas in water for 2-3 days then mix in compost for 4 days sprouted nice then sowed then in the ground if you look at my last video you can see how they turnd out all so my beetroots in the green house. Oh I all so done a week video and will uploaded it on friday
I got tired of the mice and invested in some 5 euro gutters, what can you do. They haven't been able to get to them and they are finally coming up. The row of blue peas are coming up in the garden too, without any mouse damage, duh. I hope i can do more tomorrow, i feel a bit behind on schedule. The cucumber bed is in! Now on to the much larger squash and melon beds. Curse those hops runners everywhere. Finger thick and annoying to cut like a bunch of rubber bands. They are impossibly hard to get rid of. Do not plant hops, warning! (i didn't, the previous renter did) I think i might have to cover the entire area with weed cloth for a year or two. It is at least 50 square meters. My chapped fingertips are not happy trying to pull these things out. Beautiful soil though.
While Adam is away the Mouse/Mice will come out to play! You have set up an Assault course for him/them! Lets hope he/ they are not S.A.S. trained Mouse/ Mice! Keep us updated please. My money is on you! All the best, Adam, great filming as ever!:)
I had to look that up Adam as I recognised it but couldn't place the film. I feel so ashamed that I couldn't earn your respect! Anyway, good to see some of your peas made it, loving your protection. I have visions of you sitting in your shed with night vision goggles and a big gun waiting for them to return! Your beetroot seedlings look like my seedlings, long and floppy! My beetroot are standing up for now but in a couple of days they will be horizontal! TEAM ADAM Great video, have a good 'un! Jazz.
I am fairly sure the intro was They live but somewhere I am wondering if I may have my movies mixed up there. I think this time of year plays tricks on us as things move either too slowly or too quickly and the weather is constantly catching us out. What I mean is that I think you are doing great, and I am definitely roaring on team Adam. All the best mate, you have done a fine job.
God job!
Well hello John Nada you are soooo 1988. I'm thinking it might be birds they love pea tops this time of year and will peck them down to stumps. I think your mesh will do the trick anyway if it is birds but mice make holes underground so that might not work. I reckon the beetroot may be OK, when they are leggy like that you can plant them really deep up to the first leaf, I would have planted mine in a bit of good compost as well to give them a better chance. This time of year is a tricky one, so many young plants are knocked back by slugs, birds and mice, maybe its time to stand out all night in your shed door with your barrel shotgun to keep those critters away Hee hee
From a cinematic view, this is like a remake of The Martian. At least Ridley Scott never made me feel like I was being buried in a trench with some bloody peas.
Top notch vlog, well done you.
This video is awesome!!!! Thank you for sharing how you cover the peas to protect. NOW … is there something for rabbits?
again great camera work absolutely !! those pesky mice, you might want to try sowing some a the greenhouse or on the window sill and then planting the seedlings out when they're fully formed so the mice can't pinch the peas.
Hi I soaked my peas in water for 2-3 days then mix in compost for 4 days sprouted nice then sowed then in the ground if you look at my last video you can see how they turnd out all so my beetroots in the green house. Oh I all so done a week video and will uploaded it on friday
I got tired of the mice and invested in some 5 euro gutters, what can you do. They haven't been able to get to them and they are finally coming up. The row of blue peas are coming up in the garden too, without any mouse damage, duh. I hope i can do more tomorrow, i feel a bit behind on schedule. The cucumber bed is in! Now on to the much larger squash and melon beds. Curse those hops runners everywhere. Finger thick and annoying to cut like a bunch of rubber bands. They are impossibly hard to get rid of. Do not plant hops, warning! (i didn't, the previous renter did) I think i might have to cover the entire area with weed cloth for a year or two. It is at least 50 square meters. My chapped fingertips are not happy trying to pull these things out. Beautiful soil though.
While Adam is away the Mouse/Mice will come out to play! You have set up an Assault course for him/them! Lets hope he/ they are not S.A.S. trained Mouse/ Mice! Keep us updated please. My money is on you! All the best, Adam, great filming as ever!:)
Hi Adam, can,t wait to see if your pea protection works. Dave.
Bloody mice! But that's a good barrier Adam and that should fix the little bugger. I'm team Adam…
I had to look that up Adam as I recognised it but couldn't place the film. I feel so ashamed that I couldn't earn your respect!
Anyway, good to see some of your peas made it, loving your protection. I have visions of you sitting in your shed with night vision goggles and a big gun waiting for them to return! Your beetroot seedlings look like my seedlings, long and floppy! My beetroot are standing up for now but in a couple of days they will be horizontal! TEAM ADAM
Great video, have a good 'un! Jazz.
Awesome update Adam looking good
Not everyone. I am on team Adam. Best wishes Bob.
very entertaining. Loved the camera effects
I admire your tenacity Adam , but we at "team mouse" shall find a way . Always "rooting"for the under dog . lol , just kidding , good luck mate .
that quote was from, they live. I loved that one too.
Funny vid, best on the peas… keep growing, T.
I am fairly sure the intro was They live but somewhere I am wondering if I may have my movies mixed up there. I think this time of year plays tricks on us as things move either too slowly or too quickly and the weather is constantly catching us out. What I mean is that I think you are doing great, and I am definitely roaring on team Adam. All the best mate, you have done a fine job.