March 25, 2025

VIDEO: 10 Garden Tips Using a Earth Way Seeder – Easy Organic Gardening Series 101 Tips & Secrets # 4

Top 10 Helpful Garden Tips using a Earth Way Push Seeder. You will be a Pro after watching this video. Easy Organic Gardening Series 101 Tips & Secrets. No till Seeding Tips

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: 10 Garden Tips Using a Earth Way Seeder – Easy Organic Gardening Series 101 Tips & Secrets # 4

  1. Hey! This was very helpful to me. We have to 130 acres of land in Phoenix. We are urban gardeners and looking to be more sustainable for ourselves, our family, and the community. This video was extremely helpful to me thank you.

  2. WOW! That was a really good video. Thanks for just looking to help out and not trying to make a bunch of money off your knowledge like so many of these young urban farmers are doing now. I like your tips. I Do have a question for you. You had said if you wanted to spare the seeds out farther. But what if you want plant seeds CLOSER together. (I'm thinking about lettuce mix. We grew those pretty close together and it looks like the lettuce wheel only has 8 holes per however long the circumference is of the wheel. Is there way you have found to do that?

  3. Hi. Thanks for the best review of this tool on Youtube.
    Please two questions; what's the purpose of that hole on the belt side on your 'seed tank' that gets covered by a plate, and if you would wish how could you do small row markings about 10cm (4in.) or so with that row marker? Greetings from Europe

  4. Mark, thank you so much for this video. I have a few questions, if you don’t mind.

    1) If I am planting lettuce, how far apart will this seeder plant the seeds without having to use silicone or something like that? Does it naturally plant KALE one INCH apart? What about lettuce? Beets? Beans? Peas? Can the space between the seeds be adjusted without so much effort in blocking multiple seed spaces on the plate?

    2) How does the guide for the next row work? It looks like it marks it a couple feet away. I want to plant 8 rows of beets in a 30-inch bed. Does it work this way or only marks the new, next row? Does that make sense?

    3) I’d like to use this to plant lettuce, beets, etc. around my orchard trees for chickens. Can you use this in a circular pattern around the trees of does it only push in a straight line?

    4) If you were to give this a star rating, 1-5, how would you rate it and why?

    Thank you so much! Love your work and videos! I’ve learned so much from your channel.

  5. Instead of silicone (and waiting a day for it to dry), you could use masking or scotch tape to block some holes for immediate use. It's also less messy.

  6. Holy cow i feel half silly not ever using one of these i had zero idea how to really utilize the machine my wonderful wife got me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this video. Takecare and kerp healthy. Thanks again

  7. I use a little corn planter Graphite in my Earthway to lubricate the plate it is way better than any kind of oil that may cause seeds to stick or dust sticking.

  8. Veg oil turns rancid and can introduce bacteria to the seeds. Try mineral oil from the pharmacy. Good for many uses around the house, from treating cutting boards to a remedy for constipation. Cheaper than veg oil as well.

    Been using my earthway more than 20 years. It's so old mine is red plastic and aluminum. Great tool and still inexpensive. My local small town hardware store used to carry them. Home depot put them out of business.

    Thanks for the demo! Happy planting.

  9. I've watched many videos and I tried to find online what seeds will this planter plant I'm very interested in buying one but I can't find anywhere that shows each plate and what each one plants

  10. I just bought one of these. Assembled it and used it an hour ago. Turned a back breaking 4+ hour job into 30 minutes, this includes the time spent looking for the nut for the axle on the front wheel which fell off while seeding. I stepped on it and buried it. It will never fall off again… Don't know the author of the video, but you have the row marker "rod" on the wrong side of the steel SUPPORT plate. You will certainly be replacing that plastic support pin regularly if you don't move the rod to the other side of the support. Peace.

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