March 27, 2025



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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

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9 thoughts on “VIDEO: IN PRACTICE: Keeping Stock

  1. A little off subject What would happen if I built a walk-in cooler with the air-conditioning unit without the controller? I would put a small light by the sensor (heat) for the thermostat. Would the only problem be electric cost?Thanks for all that you do, Rick

  2. I'm great at growing organic melons. i'm going to become an organic urban melon farmer. I have exotic melons the world over. I want to sell tax free,that's right,no middle man. On small scale maybe businesses will pay me in cash,no records? I could also sell at markets,no identifications. Sell door to door in local communities,cash only? Once you taste my organic pineapples and cantaloupes,you will never buy from the grocery store again.

  3. Drip irrigation question for Canadian growers:
    I live in a small town…no auto water timer for drip system locally available. Google brings a gazzilion results $1 on Alibaba etc… Fittings, price points, parts pieces?!?

    Any place in Canada (online) that I can order what I need that is simple to select and not high end price?

  4. your videos are great. They are all very direct and concise. I like that you didn't explain what a CSA is, because that's not what this video is over. One recommendation I have for you, take it or leave it, is to not say "like or subscribe". I think if a person is on youtube, they're aware of the like/subscribe system and don't need to be reminded of it. A businessman like yourself probably thinks "it's a free advertisement", but i would say the cost is that it actually lowers the quality of the video. Just as advertisements on television lower the quality of entertainment. Not a big thing, just my thoughts.

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