December 22, 2024

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to construct a Pea Frame – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hahaaaa, i really like your style of filming and editing. So refreshing and funny. Your plot is looking great this week! So nice to see your peas up. Mine are up too and i had no further problems with the mice either.

  2. Hi Adam, glad to see everything is coming on. It's great to see everything germinates after all the trouble we go to. I will be taking the cosmos up to your sisters this weekend so when they have what they want ,you and your Mum and Dad can have the remainder. I hope to get my peas and runner beans in tomorrow and next week start to build window boxes and hanging baskets. Bril vid, see you next time. Dave.

  3. Hi Adam Parsnips looking good I am keeping an eye on them. The rain was very welcome yesterday and should make weeding that much easier. Eager to go to the plot and see how the plants responded, your peas are looking fine and the fat mice seem to have left them alone. Enjoyed your other channel on the walk on Clent Hills. Happy growing Mike B

  4. Glad to see you out-foxed the mice. Now, what about the foxes? Lol !
    Glad to hear I'm not alone: Having a BF moment (Basil Fawlty/Bloody Fool).
    Don't complain too much about the UK summers and the lush green colours everywhere. It's not only Ireland that is an "Emerald Isle" form the air. We sometimes get wet cool summers here in Eastern Canada, but usually have to water daily in temperatures of 25-30*C or more, and have brown foliage everywhere else.

  5. Another well edited video the peas arelooking good I did my frame very similar I put another video up yesterday and I think I should do a allotment update

  6. For an American, this is the must English of English gardening videos. I live in Rhode Island and we also have to deal with a lot of rain. And lately, high winds. Then, come July, it’s super high humidity and heat waves.

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