January 10, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Lettuce in Containers – Complete Growing Guide

In this new series we cover how to grow specific plants in containers.
We will be covering how to grow them, fertilizer requirements, soil
requirements, sunlight requirments, watering, as well as pot /
container size. Get ready to take your container garden to a whole new
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Lettuce in Containers – Complete Growing Guide

  1. It's just such an old way of growing. Yea. There is a reason we as a society still do some of those "old ways" because they work. Might not apply to lettuce but don't ever knock something because it's old.

  2. Thanks Luke! I grew 4 containers of Mesclun lettuce and sweet Bibb lettuce. My family loved the taste. I’m hooked, and best thing I don’t have to worry about salmonella and e-coli recalls

  3. If temps are consistently 80+ don’t try seven hrs in direct sun. Unless maybe it’s is always very humid where you are. More like two three hr periods with a shade gap between.

  4. I've never really understood the difference between the use of perlite and vermiculite. I see you're using both. I'd be grateful if anyone could clear this up for me.

  5. But HOW to do it if I don’t have seeds? I was only able to find ‘starts’/baby lettuce plants. What type of pot? Size? Should I plant all three in the same pot or do they each need their own? So confused.

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