In this complete growing guide we will be explaining how to grow
asparagus in containers. Asparagus is a very fun plant to grow and is
highly underappreciated. An early spring vegetable and a super nutrient
dense one at that! Asparagus is more challanging than most other
plants, but with this video I hope it will make it easy to grow for
you. Add some asparagus to your container / patio garden this year!
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Thank you for this vidio
Thank you for this video
Thank you for information. I planted asparagus in a small pot that has not yield anything. I have had it for about 6 years. It comes back as fern. Anyway thanks again. Now I know.
Would it be a good idea to plant strawberries in large pots together with asparaguses?
Thanks so very much for this information! I will be trying my first potted asparagus this year- and I am really happy to come across this.
Would a 20 gallon work? Also how tall should the container be
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video, I got the wonderful product from yesterday
Update pls
I bough 2yr old male crowns. How many can I put in the 10 gallon container?
Can i grow some asparagus in large container for couple years then transplant into a garden? Thanks
I’d love to see someone promoting asparagus in containers to show mature plants. Mine died this year and all my new garden communities say you cant grow it without overwintering indoors. And also to never trust youtube gardeners who will say anything to get more followers.
"ok, go crazy"
I live in Minnesota. I was told I would need to transfer the asparagus into the ground so the roots could grow enough to avoid being killed by the frost so leaving it in a pot would not work. Could I just keep it inside over the winter? Is this true?
I know you seeing this is a long shot but I'm gonna try anyway. I'm trying to start asparagus seeds to put in a raised bed that won't be built till fall. If I start asparagus from seed in a container, would it be feasible to transplant year-old crowns into a raised bed later on, or would the shock be too much for them? After a year in a container I don't know if the roots would be too happy about being transplanted.
Finally I found this! I’ve been googling for months and never getting any answers regarding this – once again you are a life saver!
In your last video on growing asparagus you do not recommend growing asparagus in a large container so why are you making this video you're just. Contradicting yourself.
I tried growing it a few years ago and it died.
I have been trying to get a crop for 4 years now. I have crowns in a large container but all I get is the fern? Lol. Maybe I should fertilize! Blahaha
Would grow bags work? I see you’re using terra-cotta or plastic pots
Is there an update on this pot?
Speak less more practical
This video is the one that got me hooked on MIgardener. I went out and bought crowns and planted them in a big pot. Coming back every year just like you said. Thank you!
You said in another video that spacing aspargaus is important….Which one is it?
very long winded
2021 here. I planted asparagus seeds 2 years ago. They never grew go I dumped the soil into my "new" soil prepared for a flower. I now have a beautiful asparagus that I'm transplanting this year into its permanent home.
Never thought I could do asparagus in pots! Can't wait to try. Thanks
Too much inane talk and information.
Talk while you work.