March 16, 2025

VIDEO: How We Filled 20 Raised Beds Without Bringing in More Soil

We are putting in the beds and filling them up, We are using techniques
to minimize the amount of soil we have to bring in. I think we are doing
fairly good!
This book by Sepp Holzer was an inspiration and seriously helped me!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How We Filled 20 Raised Beds Without Bringing in More Soil

  1. Great video! Thank you for sharing your experiences. I grew up with gardening, but never in raised beds. Now that I am going on 70, but want to have a nice smaller garden, I have been trying to learn as much as I can. I love your ideas. Thank you again.

  2. Will Premium Kiln-Dried Square Edge Whitewood Common Board from homedepot safe and last a couple years to be used for raised garden bed frame?

  3. Learned my newbie raised garden bed mistake. Just purchased fill dirt thinking that was enough….it grew some plants, but I suspect it would have been better if I had better soil.

  4. Can't wait until next yr!! It'll be my 2nd yr with this property and I have big hopes. I've been gardening my entire 45 yrs and now I have a great space to work with of my own. Thanks for the good info.

  5. Thanks for all your videos Luke ! Love them all very informative yet easy to understand. Speaking of raised gardens.i built one out i f a blue barrel works great .the planets love's my first yearwith i replace the soil each year or just add fertiliser and or compost? Thanks in advance.keep up the great work!!

  6. Incredible bay garden in the makes! Gardening takes work, bending, shoveling, lifting, sweating, it isn’t for the faint of heart, but the rewards to all the hard work certainly pay off, thanks for showing gardeners what it takes to start a good foundation for beds.

  7. I’m thinking of replacing dirt outside of bed with sod dug up from bed area, covering with weed cloth and mulch anyway. Garden keeps expanding, but wife wants to move. Not till I take up every square inch of yard with garden!

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