After nearly two years traveling Canada and saving money by living full time in our camper van, we found our dream home: A small log cabin, with enough open space for huge vegetable gardens and enough forest to get lost in.
VIDEO: GGC – 55 – After Two Years Of Van Life… We Found Our Dream Home!
After nearly two years traveling Canada and saving money by living full time in our camper van, we found our dream home: A small log cabin, with enough open space for huge vegetable gardens and enough forest to get lost in.
How much and which part of Ontario that is affordable?
GREAT story and even better storyteller! its awesome to see ordinary people living extraordinary life and savoring every minute of it. it goes by way too fast. its great to see some people are still able to find that balance and pursue their purpose.
Caught your first videos when researching gardening. Didn't quite get/understand the "campervan" on the intro but was more curious, at the time, about the "Ruth Stout" technique of gardening. Puts a smile on my face to hear that lady luck was on your side in getting the cabin in '16.
Excellent !
Yesssss!!!! You've got it! Congrats to you both!
It’s cheaper to build your dream home isn’t it in the right place
Cliff hanger…who were you with?
What an amazing story. You are a storyteller like non other. I loved listening to You. Thank you and God bless.
I founded y’all today and have spent nigh on 4 hours eating up your videos. You are so beautiful that I find appropriate words difficult to find. Thank you for your humble and oh-so-refreshing openness to allowing what comes to be the teacher for your next experience. Thank you for really living into your beliefs, and modeling curiosity, honest engagement and letting us all inside your journey. I adore, as well, how clearly you like one another. That is a guidepost to a life well-loved and a love well-lived. My most sincere thanks and blessings for your journey./amelie
How many acres do you have for farming?
Congratulations! I know it's 3 years later but you two are inspiring fellow travelers like myself. Its great to hear you were able to find your dream home and end up buying it when you thought you had lost it. Kudos!
A well told story !
Such a beautiful story teller,iam sure I will learn something from you
Been a fan of your videos for some time now but happy I found this one.
So. Good.
My wife shared your videos with me. I look forward to buying you a beer sometime (or maybe bringing our homebrew to Canada to share with you)?
Man I don't know what is your job, but I'm pretty sure you could earn great money as a lifechanging or motivational speaker !!
I teared up like 5 times, I'm so happy for you
You are such a talented story teller – came across you two great peeps just today – you are remarkable pair.
Okay, that ending brought tears to my eyes! You are truly a master storyteller!
That is the power of attraction! Awesome!
You are such a good “story teller”. What a fantastic ending. Just started watching your videos today and can’t quit. My so. Is going to pick up straw for me today. I already had some
but want more. Congratulations to the two of you for making a real life.
You two are so articulate beyond anything on the Tube! So impressive that you have captured your journey in words that are simply amazing. Whether you are shooting from the hip as you speak or are reading a much inspired script, I can’t get over the picture you paint and the positives you derive. Thank you and richest blessings and thanks for sharing.
Just watched this video, and I LOVE your ending statement. So very true!
Real estate agents have no interest in low budget buyers as there's very little commission for their work very wonderful!!
Your storey is inspiring to me as i prepare my venture . i hope to have a happy ending
Great story, really enjoyed it! What Province did you end up buying in? My wife guesses Manitoba, Ontario or New Brunswick.
Gripping, even when one already does a lot of this lifestyle. Btw if you're ever in western Switzerland and want to eat some mulch-grown potatoes, give us a shout. Thanks for the story and the emotions.
You're like Joey Gladstone from 'Full House' (a serious one).