February 27, 2025

VIDEO: Suburban Food Forest

The Suburban New Jersey Food Forest is really starting to come together. I have set out hundreds of transplants that are going to fill in the spaces between the perennials to utilize maximum space and obtain maximum yield on the small space I have.

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Suburban Food Forest

  1. Explosive growth. You can't get away with doing a 14min. Video every 2 or 3 weeks. We need 3 or 4 a week. Your food forest is the example. You are doing everything right. Please stop being humble. You have a right to brag. There is a crazy amount of food growing in your backyard…Please, sir. I want some more. More. More. More.

  2. Man is that beautiful!

    Whatever that plant is you said is edible but you want to get rid of, is what I might have growing every where. It looks very similar and I just keep tearing it out around everything else I'm growing. Does it seem to have a long white stem down to the root where you can rarely seem to get the end out? Have you considered comfrey around some of those fruit trees and such?

  3. That's looking really great! Fruit trees and small fruits are so productive for the amount of effort they take – or don't take, is more like it. Looking forward to seeing the tomatoes later this summer!

  4. Broccoli Have you tried real broccoli? The type you have there is calabrese. We are sold this in our supermarkets as broc. but its not. Its a French version and a poor one. Real broccoli has deep, rich green leaves and white or purple sprouts like mini cauliflowers. Grows almost three feet tall, full of iron and goodness. Served up with mashed spuds and loads of gravy its a meal in itself. Well worth a try.

  5. I understand trees are part of the "food forest" idea, but that's a lot of trees really close. Curious if you'll have much if any sun on the ground for the short stuff in 10 years. Are you planning to be really aggressive in pruning and keeping them short and small (dwarf through pruning)?

  6. Plums always do better with 2 DIFFERENT species near each other. ( even if some are considered self pollinating) That's maybe why you have no plums . Another quirk: Granny Smith Apples ARE considered "self pollinators", but still do better with 2 Granny Smith Apple Trees near each other (has to be same variety ) Plants are weird.

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