March 27, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Organic Gardening 101 for Beginners – Easy Solution to Back to Eden Gardening Method Tips

  1. Hi their. So when you mow down the clover do you just let the clippings fall to the ground as mulch and put the paper over it or do you bag the mowed clover and use it for something else?

  2. Another great tip Mark. I think I'm going to invest in some cattle panel stock. There seems to be no limit to it's uses. An those foxes look pretty healthy. No mange, that's a good thing.

  3. I have used very similar technique* by pocking holes into cardboard. The result was good and uniform mechanical looking row of plants. 2015/16 I am building up my soil in raised beds so no such experiment will be conducted till next year. (*courtesy of another YouTube video)

  4. Hi. I wonder if you can just roll some heavy roller on clover to crush the steam and stop his growth, then plant cucumbers in there? Or it will re-grow too fast? What do you think? I will be trying this next year now I'm building my poor sandy soil by cover crops.

  5. Hey great post…are you leaning more this way than b2E method? Or is it too early to tell which method is more sustainable long term ? I'm a big fan of soil food web and B2E… Elaine Ingram seems to suggest a quicker turnaround of the soil ?

  6. Cool stuff ! Envious of your farm, in a nice way. Wood chips, earth worms and tomatoes are a great combo. Root pouches, tomatoes and hydroponics work pretty well, too. I subbed and will watch some more.


  7. Is there a way to just use recycle paper in rolls, such as kraft paper rolls you would put for shipping products? You can get it very cheaply in almost any length, if you ordered 40lb paper I bet it would hold up almost all year. Would that not meet organic certification?

  8. Any updates? My biggest fear would be slugs going crazy in that dark warm place, Perhaps the paper is thin enough/hot enough to keep them out?

  9. Are you leaving it until next spring? I am using cardboard boxes to converting part of my front lawn to grow sedums. I am leaving the grass there and probably will cover the area with mulched leaves and straws. Not sure if I want to add anything else because sedums actually like poor soil. By the way, love those beautiful foxes.

  10. Hi, I am going to start a new garden in my yard which is all grass at the moment. Well lots of broadleaf and other weed types and some grass! It is mowed weekly at present. I have about 200 sqm available but probably won't use that much.I plan on raised beds but obtaining bulk soil is difficult in my area. Maybe starting direct planting would be best first? Should I try and over sow the grass with clover? Or is it OK to just put a row of paper down and direct plant with a view to building up the soil so I can eventually use a raised bed? I am in Sth Hem so it is mid summer here at present. BTW I have a compost pile and am using the grass clippings and my kitchen food scraps to compost.

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