March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Staking Tomato Plants

A short video on the method I will be using this year to grow my tomato plants. I will continue to update you guys throughout the year on the progression, and see if this is the method I will be using in the future.

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Staking Tomato Plants

  1. I"m staking my tomatoes this year, too, for a change of pace. I usually use cages, but have had plenty of "sprawl" years, too. I like cages because I don't have to be around as much, tying up the vines. But it's good to change things up every now and again You might outgrow those 6 foot stakes!

  2. James, I miss seeing updates from your forest. I hope all is well and you are doing okay. I think there are many out there looking forward to the next video to see how awesome your space is this year.

  3. Great idea to make sure to have a very tall stake. We have a cherry tomato that grew over the top of our 5 foot cage, and is almost touching the ground, making it about 10 feet tall. .

  4. Hello, I found your channel from Permaculture Homestead. I prune my tomato plants as well, but my family, and now I, always let the first sucker on the bottom grow. This way we have to producing stems that are tied to the same pole. It could get a bit bushy but its not too bad. I love your garden!!!

  5. This channel is fantastic. I was told about Food Forest by JF Gariepy.

    Such a big difference with James' tone of voice and the speed and volume he speaks when compared to current videos. He has 'grown' happier while the garden has gotten lushier?

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