March 8, 2025

VIDEO: CROP FOCUS: Patty Pan Squash

The Urban Farmer is a channel dedicated to sharing the experiences and learnings from Curtis Stone and his urban farm Green City Acres in downtown Kelowna, BC, Canada. Last year Green City Acres grew over 50,000 lbs of food on less than an acre of land, using 100% natural, organic methods and only 80 litres of gasoline. Every year we strive to revolutionize how we farm in order to reshape our local food system to be more environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Follow our journey, as we try to change the world one seed at a time.

Who We Are:
We’re a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate about alternative and sustainable growing practices.

What We Do:
We provide delicious produce grown using organic methods on various rented urban plots and will teach you how to do the same.

How We Do It:
We use highly effective intensive farming techniques to maximize the production of the land, while regenerating the health of the soil.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: CROP FOCUS: Patty Pan Squash

  1. Curtis, thanks for all your videos. How are you storing your squash? Walk in or room temp? I want to pick every day, but worry about them turning soft. Thanks!

  2. nice gloves, though they are no protection against wasps I found. Not planting in the frost pocket this season… This year my squash are mostly planted in between the rows of my blackberry patch – it's destined to be a huge mess I'm sure but I had other priorities earlier in the year… like building a fence to keep the deer out. To add insult to humiliation After a super early frost I lost a couple hundred pounds of pumpkins.

  3. A persistent problem for me here in south eastern virginia is Vine Borer Worms. I have had a 100% crop wipe out 3 years in a row. Any help for this problem would be greatly appreciated. Also effects all the rest of my squash family plants. They get into the base of plant and eat and destroy the plants.

  4. hello Curtis, I've enjoyed your videos thanks,and the online course is next, but curiousity raises a question. I'm in Houston TX,and I'm sure a great place to farm and sale for a newby ,hearing how much you sale your product for it seems high compared to prices I see in stores. any enlightenment on this,or is there that much difference in U.S. and Canada? Here organic lettuce and squash runs $4 per lb about when out of season.what is the bigger picture I'm missing? thanks for reading.

  5. sorry , "enlightenment" meaning can you shed some light on how your pricing seems higher than what I see at my local can lettuce or squash sale for those prices? however I did find one of your videos on that subject after I asked the question,go figure .

  6. sorry , "enlightenment" meaning can you shed some light on how your pricing seems higher than what I see at my local can lettuce or squash sale for those prices? however I did find one of your videos on that subject after I asked the question,go figure .

  7. Seeing this video from a few years back knowing you have switched to sprinklers: have you dropped the crop, found they work okay with sprinklers, or continue with drip for these?

  8. I've only had pattypan twice in my life.
    I love them. I just found two plants in little pots so I'm looking at videos about how to get a good yeild and seeds.
    we just don't have those around here!

  9. Thanks for the info. Someone gave me a pattypan squash plant and I have grown giant squashes. I figured I better learn what they are, and now I know they are fabulously overripe.

  10. I am just starting a project of Patty Pan pumpkins in Mexico in a backyard of a rural house, it is quite bigger than what you have right now, I am a little nervous, but very excited. Greetings from Mexico City.

  11. You could always pickle batches and sell to Russian communities. Not a Russian, but I would buy 40lbs to pickle if there were that many where I live.

  12. Everyone seems to know that it's lack of pollination that gets the zucchini like that. DAMN. And here I was thinking that I was the only certified online expert around here!

  13. I’m growing my first patty pan, sunburst. Apparently I need to buy another couple plants, since it says it requires four plants for proper pollination.

    But now I want some more of the summer squash to make a nice vegetable medley as you were mentioning.

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