December 22, 2024

VIDEO: How to Tie a Tomato Plant to a Round Post or Stake

A demonstration of tying or training a tomato plant up a ROUND post so the knot doesn’t slip down and maximum support is given to the tied branches or stems of the plant. #tomato

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Tie a Tomato Plant to a Round Post or Stake

  1. Wonderful Lesson. That looks so much easier than so many I have seen. I will try that next time I do tomatoes, I've wanted to stop using the old metal cages and may try just the poles,  for a while, and see if it works. I'm sure holding them up with that twine would work great, that stuff is really strong. Bless, Sheila

  2. Perfect for my double stem method. Seen a lot of tomato videos. Never see this. Cheers from subtropics, mid north nsw coast.

    Found whites jute twine from bunnings. Interested in your biodegradable choice.

  3. Thanks for this! Growing tomatoes first time!
    Just wondering if this method also works for the hardwood stakes!
    Thanks in advance!
    BTW, love your videos!

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