Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) is a great organic method of pest control in
the garden. We don’t apply many products and rarely treat pest problems
unless they are really becoming an issue. This method is a good one and
will help to fight pesky beetles, fleas, ants, aphids, and japanese
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Hello!! Can I use this also for white grubs?
Can I put DE in my compost bin to get rid of some of the MANY bugs in there?
Hey Luke you forgot to mention about using getting rid of fleas so just in edition to his video…
you can use it inside your house (and in your yard) to get rid of fleas (Cockroaches too), but like he said you don’t wanna breathe in the dust and you don’t want your pets around to breathe in the dust it.It’s not toxic In itself but it’s not good to breathe in powdery dust. It would be best to sprinkle it Liberally around your carpets in house while you were wearing a mask and your pets her out and then vacuum it up 24 hours later if you can wait keep the pets out but if you can’t it’s not toxic to them just probably better if they aren’t there. Luke if you think any of that is incorrect please feel free to you, but I just wanted to you fill everyone else in on that part…
Oooh! I just read you can use a sock and fill it with DE to make a duster
It is not ground up sea shells. It is diatoms, thus diatomaceous. Diatoms are microscopic creatures.
Lots of calcium?
Mine are not on the plants. They're in the soil. Do I just dust this on the stems or in the dirt?
Can I used it for potted soil if yes how? My plant roots have too many millipedes
Does diatomaceous take care of harmful worms in garden
We get a ton of cucumber beetles and it ruined my crop last season. So I'm going to try this out
I heard this stuff causes cancer.
Diatomaceous earth = diatoms = silica = SIO2
DE is NOT sea shells or ground up sea shells – which would be mostly CaCO3
It is dangerous because silica in lungs is bad.
But works great for pests if used safely.
Don't be so freaked out about breathing in the dust. It's so minimal so practically harmless. It may even be good for you to breath in a minimal amount. Smile. Am using it for 10 years. Never wear a mask. I mainly drink it. It's been a mega positive experience on my well being
Will this harm the earthworms in there also?
Does it harm earthworms tho?
If it's covering the leaf like that does it interfere with photosynthesis?
What are long term effects if any for people who use this every year in the soil? Or does it just break down to non harmful. Anyone know?
what would be so bad if you used pool filter grade DE instead of food grade on the leaves?
Does it kill grasshoppers?
will it control spring emerging cherry fruit flies or Vinegar flies if sprinkled on soil beneath cherry trees,/
Great idea! Thanks
What about beneficial insects that are swept away/destroyed with pests? Disappointing that viewers are manipulated by the use of the term "organic…[and] safe for plants." Not in the long run or big picture.
What is your website to buy stuff from you?
thanks for sharing
Good source of silica and makes limbs strong like steel. Tractor supply sells a huge bag of DE with calcium mixed in for like 15 bucks. It's definitely the way to go. And ya gotta get the underside of the leaf
Does it kill anta?
I have a massive problem with ants in my compost bin, could I use this in there?
DE can cut your lungs and eyes. Wear mask and goggles!
Can DE get rid of squash/cucumber beetles? I can't raise them, because the beetles are so bad.
Luke I used it yesterday but I didn't use it near that much plus I think when I watered a lot came off. I will be more liberal next time!!