September 28, 2024

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, Starts at the ROOTS.

  1. We use leaf-gro and decomposed leaves and our yard/garden is awesome. I opted for flowers and veggies over grass and it Was worth the extra time and effort. Secondarily, there are more worms and other beneficial insects that seem to be teaming in the decomposed leaves over straight soil. Thanks for the video!!!

  2. FYI… I mentioned before, my mother lives in Beverly about 15min south of you….and I guarantee she would buy all those gourds off of you, so don't get rid of them. She teaches art classes and one of the projects is painting gourds, making them into bird houses and stuff. I will definitely send you that private email with some details once I get on a real computer

  3. That's interesting, I heard tomatoes are shallow rooted but interesting to see there is also root ball at the bottom. I always have leggy tomatoes as they grow on window sill so I dug them good few inches deep in soil every time.

  4. You could cut off that bottom root ball and replant that and it would be fine. I planed 20 plants from suckers one year, ended up with 20 great plants. Just stick the sucker in the ground.

  5. Interesting to see the tomato root. (Hot) Pepper plants grows new roots out of the stem like that as well. So, possibly every plants from the nightshade family would do this, as potato literally does it, too.

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