March 23, 2025

VIDEO: 2 Simple & Organic Methods to Prevent, Kill, & Combat Blight on Tomatoes

Blight is something that every gardener fears. Tomatoes are prone to
blight and almost every gardener faces it as some point in their life.
However there are 2 tricks to getting rid of blight, and even
preventing it in the first place. The best part is they are not only
easy to do for anyone, they are totally organic! Drop the fungicides,
drop the chainsaw, grab a glass of lemonade and settle down….
settled? Good. 🙂

Baking soda spray:
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2 Simple & Organic Methods to Prevent, Kill, & Combat Blight on Tomatoes

  1. if you want to rid blight perm. buy som copper spray or daconil spray eather will kill the fungus you onle use i/2 teaspoon per gal water spray new plants after 4 week the about ten if needed now about pruning as your new plants grow take off lower leaves every few days til you only have 12inches from soil to bottom leaves this avoiding splater from rain as the fungus is in the soil also space tom plants 2-3 ft apart so they dont touch when grown hopes this new growers

  2. Fortunately, I live on Mercury, and my plants usually burn during the day, so the blight spores cannot withstand the flames of the fire. I do, however, have a problem with my crop being completely converted to carbon, though, so there is that.

  3. Just wanted to say thank you once again. I think that you are the most knowledgeable of the gardening channels that I watch… and I appreciate all of your information and research in detailed explanations that you give

  4. question……if you have blight one season, can you top your soil with blight free compost or mulch to prevent the blight spores from getting to the leaves the following year?

  5. Omg thank u. I’m a new gardener and I’ve been literally been going crazy about having early blight. All the sights and videos I’ve went to says I would have to totally get rid of and burn the plant, that I couldn’t do much. But this made me feel a little better and maybe I can still have a proper harvest. Thank u! Definitely going to try out the spray.

  6. If tomatoes don’t like water on their leaves???, here in Australia we can have rain after a hot day? What can a person do to prevent from blight forming?
    What about the tomato blight powder you can buy from the supermarket or nursery- any good?

  7. Excellent vid thanks
    Was wondering since the blight is soil bound to start with and then gets blown around by wind can you do the baking soda wash (no dishwashing liquid or oil) directly in to the soil after harvesting is finished to lower the pH of the soil to a point where blight cannot survive? And or raise it up in acidity for a week or 2 to kill the blighters?

  8. I’m doing container gardening and the pots are raised up on pallets above the ground. I also mulched the dirt with cedar shavings to keep dirt from splashing on my plants. I also pruned the lower branches and removed suckers. I really hope my tomatoes thrive this year!

  9. Hmm. You must have changed your opinion at some point. I just watched another video where you said it doesnt matter. I should really see when video you made first to see what your current opinion is. Great video like always

  10. Excellent explanation and coverage of this issue. This is much appreciated, because it is too easy to make the wrong choices out of desperation/ignorance.

  11. Going to try the baking-soda solution right now. I am 99% sure my blight issue is being caused by bad airflow, so pruning will happen also. Mine is early blight.

  12. Thanks for your advice. I have blight and I think Im past the point of no return. I dont have enough garden space this year. Glad I have 2 plots. 1 isnt infected badly. Can I treat my potatoes with the soda solution as well as my tomatoes?

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