March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Food Storage Challenge~Day 2

Day 2 of The Food Storage Challenge! The learning experience continues! Be sure to follow our journey for the whole month of August! We are definitely taking notes! Enjoy & thanks for watching!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Food Storage Challenge~Day 2

  1. ha ha ha! My mom and grandmother both believe in leftovers! Waste not want not is how I was raised. I read a post on facebook that said "granny survived the great depressing because she knew how to do things"  As you are always saying Skill Sets!!

  2. My friend loves to cook outside,rain, snow heat she's out there. I am going to now make an outdoor kitchen so I can practice my cooking skills over a fire. I have a nice metal tripod and only used it once. Not now thanks for the incentives!

  3. No that's not Australia, but the Antarctica!!!!! Speaking of getting corn from a jar. We had a cousin come over to get some eggs. So we sent them out to the hen house to get them fresh from the nest. The kid wouldn't touch the egg!!!! He didn't know that eggs come from a chicken!!!! He seriously thought they came from the store!!! OMG….what are they teaching our kids!!! So proud of the fact you home school your kids!!! They learn so much more, mainly because you don't follow a "goverment schedule!"…..Keep it up!!! Your doing good!

  4. I made your Biscuits and its the first time you couldn't kill someone with them mine always came out hard for one i twisted love that twist so thank you for sharing that recipe they dont come out hard as rocks anymore …

  5. Excellent videos, just excellent! Can't thank you enough for working so hard to teach and inspire all of us. Have a soup simmered for food for today from my food storage. Homemade bread from the freezer to top it all off. Must learn to do tortillas!

  6. Suggestion: use a small flat head screwdriver to open jars. The lids do not bend and can be used on jars of dehydrated foods that are sealed with a food saver.

  7. Ive watched you make your goulash and it looks great. It reminds me of an older friend of mine who was raised in Kentucky and the best thing she taught me to make was her end of the garden goulash.. it was small pieces of bacon fried then anything she had left in the garden in the fall chopped and added,onions,peppers.corn, potatoes, tomatoes. Whatever. If it was juicy she would add some cornmeal to thicken it. It is delicious and so fresh . It made great leftovers

  8. My grandfather was born in the height of the Depression, one of 7. His mother would make a big pot of oatmeal for breakfast. Then she'd pour the leftovers into a loaf pan and chill it until it solidified. Then she'd slice it and fry it in bacon grease for another meal. Nothing wasted in that home, including mama's energy. That was their answer to having the day go off the rails and needing a quick and easy meal. Better than spending $30+ on pizza delivery like people do today.

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