June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Fitness in the Garden with Ben Pelton Part 1 Introduction

Ben Pelton is a philosopher, fitness consultant and mobility specialist who teaches dynamic training systems developed for postural correction. In the first of Ben’s videos, he shares exercises that can immediately enhance one’s quality of life. Learn about Wim ‘Iceman’ Hof and his method of breathing and cold water constitutional therapy that pushes the limits of everyday wellness. The Wim Hof Method is a technique that gives people more control over their body and mind through a natural sequence of breathing and focused awareness. The power of this method is the simplicity and efficiency in reconnecting the mind and body through breathing. Ben also teaches about a new process for evaluating and correcting joint tissue health. Lastly, Ben finishes by demonstrating simple exercises that will begin to stabilize the core musculature and the spine. It is of utmost importance to emphasize that the focus of a healthy posture begins with stabilizing the core. Look for more fitness videos with Ben as we explore ways of developing long term wellness in the garden and everyday life.

One thought on “VIDEO: Fitness in the Garden with Ben Pelton Part 1 Introduction

  1. Yep, i need this. More than anything. I have my diet under control with healthy food from the garden, eliminated just about all animal products, taking all the necessary vegan supplements… I feel much better but my body will still not cooperate. I'm a lean, mean, dragging my butt machine. All those things, weak upper and lower back, terrible shoulder mobility, unstable hips. It's just a battle to do anything physical. When i get up in the morning, my mind says yes but my body screams no. Let's see this training! Thanks ever so much because this is one of the most underlighted issues in the gardening world. Not even in horticulture school did it ever come up. You were either fit or 'one of those losers'. We didn't even have any sports activities either. Correct lifting was something like 2 sentences in a textbook. I will 'like' this and keep it in my favorites playlist forever for other to watch. This is massively important, underrated stuff. And please, make a habbit of posting more of these. There is so little out there specifically for gardeners.

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