PART 1 – EASY, CHEAP and Build soil over the Winter. HOW to Build Healthy Organic Garden Soil with 20,000+ Sunflowers and Winter Rye mix. Making GOOD, SUPER garden soil preparation done this winter..Gardening 101.
VIDEO: HOW to BUILD, EASY, CHEAP, Healthy Organic Garden Soil with 20,000 Sunflowers & Winter Rye Mix #1
PART 1 – EASY, CHEAP and Build soil over the Winter. HOW to Build Healthy Organic Garden Soil with 20,000+ Sunflowers and Winter Rye mix. Making GOOD, SUPER garden soil preparation done this winter..Gardening 101.
I really learning a lot from you,thank you,
I've been transplanting sunflowers into straight lawn. they yield folks as crazy as that sounds. We really underutilize the sunflower.
Love the information here, but "Yakety Sax" would have been the best background music used while seeding. :p
I always learn so much form your videos. Thank you Mark. A few questions:
1. with the seeds spreader and rototiller, I am sure some seeds would fall close to each other – what about competition?
2. Do you water the field after you have spread the seed?
I love your videos, they are so informative and enjoyable to watch. Thanks so much Mark!
Hi Mark, do you know the best way to grow healthy brassicas and beets even though they don’t associate with mycorrhizal fungi?
so how do i tell if I am building up the fungi? I have about a half-acre field that has water drainage issues in central texas, zone 8c. All the bermudagrass is dying out more and more every year, making the soil puddle even more water. I spread out a winter covercrop mix and "dusted" it with compost and everything is sprouting and showing growth in week 2. Do I need to "seed" the soil with the fungus spores you can buy?
Hi Mark loved the fast forward walking also good exercise for you. Thanks for the brilliant tutorial
Can't plant rye here. We live surrounded by wheat fields. They consider rye a weed.
Great idea for soil building. I have clay soil, thank for this post. I will plant some more sunflower this summer.
What zone are you in?
When do you plant this cover crop?
Can I cover with a thin layer of hay/spent hay after turning in and pressing?
I do not have a tractor, so I would be doing this by hand. I would also like to plant on very sloped ground.
uhg, chopped up the soil just before a rain… no crust there.
Where do you get your cover crops seed?
you should check out,,,FARM PROFITS IN ROOT DEPTH(NO FERTILISERS REQUIRED),by Dr Elaine Ingham….she has taken so called baron soil and turned it into super soil in 3 months per her statement,,,3-4 foot grass roots in vid….and my favorite NPK UNIVERSITIES,,with Harley Smith……brix/carbs,pectin between cell walls,(calcium uptake is the key)…thanks for the winter rye and sunflower tips…i learned something,yaaay… your vid's
Now what did you do to the ground to prepare for your seeding? I got a large field that's overrun with weeds. I'd like to have section for no-till potatoes, a section for oil-seed sunflowers, a section to transplant my black raspberries in, etc. What do you recommend I do to get rid of, or control those darned weeds? Thanks!
Sunflowers broadcast pollen for a long way. If you're saving your own seeds, you'll have occasional hybrids pop up. Most especially if you have native varieties
How do you prevent the birds from getting most of your seed?
I have sandy soil here in NE Texas. so I don't need to loosen my soil but would love to keep it a healthy soil, will doing these cover crops keep the unwanted grasses and weeds at bay. sorry new at this only been gardening a few years
What time of year did you plant these seeds?
i like the classical music
could we rake the germinated seeds in with a chain harrow instead of the machine?
Ok ok enough of the funge.who is the music that is playing ?
Excellent video. If I were to try this out on a weed infested yard, do I need to totally clear the existing weeds? Or can I just mow it down really low. Then proceed to plant
So where do you get winter rye
So what time are you planting it
Thank you.
I just learned so much! I have a new small garden that has very dense clay soil, I knew I wanted to grow sunflowers but I didn’t know it could be so beneficial to the soil, thank you for sharing!
We are in Qld Australia. We have very dry and very hot conditions. Our soil is very sandy. Can you suggest good crops to grow to make gd soil. I’m going to grow Sunflowers, do you have a few others? Regards