March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Building Healthy Garden Soil Improvement with Mini Blooming Sunflowers Gardening 101

EASY Building Healthy Garden Soil Improvement with Blooming Mini Sunflowers with other grasses and cover crops. Gardening 101.
I BUY the sunflowers called Firecracker at :

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Building Healthy Garden Soil Improvement with Mini Blooming Sunflowers Gardening 101

  1. What plants can’t be grown with sunflowers? I heard that they have a strong alelopathic effect, and I’ve only heard that cucumbers and lettuce do good with them.

  2. Hey Mark…love the info man. My 12 hens are currently prepping my fall garden area mixing wood chips, food waste, their manure, etc. into compost as a top layer. You have me fascinated with cover crops to help even further. My initial idea was to do some variety of sunflower, a legume, and grass. With my hens creating compost for the soil, I was wondering if I could get away with just planting sunflowers to be like mini trees (Paul's B2E style). Or if there is further need for legume/grass additions. Thoughts?

  3. Beautiful sunflowers, and a beautiful place. We have a lot of beautiful flowers and trees in the garden, but I love sunflowers the most. I also made a video from our garden. If you want to look, maybe you'll like it. Beautiful greeting from Prague, Thanks for the nice video and I wish you all the best.

  4. Sunflowers produce a chemical that kills other plants around it. So you would have to wait a long time to plant anything other than sunflowers in that field.

  5. I love everything about this video. Thank you for making it. I am growing sunflowers for the first time and I love watching them develop and the pollinators come. I didn't even think about how it would also benefit my soil. That makes so much sense. Thank you again!

  6. Hello! New to your channel. I never knew this info regarding leaving sunflowers roots in the ground. I have been wrestling with their removal for several years! A back-breaker! Do you leave other vegetable roots in the ground at harvest time? Tomatoes, chard, etc? Thank you, very informative.

  7. Please tell me will sunflower seeds sprout in somewhat tilled heavy clay soil or will I need to amend it some first? Grass won’t grow and weeds struggle to.

  8. I read some sources online that say that sunflowers are alleopathic meaning that they give off certain toxins into the ground that suppress growth of other plants in close proximity. What would you say about it? (Btw I have also planted quite a few sunflowers this year in my garden after watching your many videos. But now the information about toxins made me worry a little )

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