A full “walk around tour” of my self-sufficient property has been requested by many people and I have finally done it! This is a full tour of our homestead from front to back concentrating on the orchard, vegetable patch, and poultry set-up.
I also talk a little about the new direction of my channel and how I will be making some significant changes to my content.
Blog: http://www.selfsufficientme.com/
Forum: http://www.selfsufficientculture.com
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Subscribe to my channel: http://goo.gl/cpbojR
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Wow, 11k subs to his now Mil+!
Your effort worked! ♥️
Have you checked the number lately? Hello success!
I love your tours! Very inspiring. Does your wife work with u? I only ask because I’d love my family to be a part of my garden too.
Watching your videos has helped my garden so much. Just starting out but I have fallen in love with it. Too bad the growing season is so short in southern Ontario, Canada. Cheers!
How many acres do you have?
I've got a couple alter egos of my own. Can't wait to see it. Satire is big time. Love your channel anyhow mate but I can't wait to see that.
You are a inspiration to me mark, wish you good health and happiness.
Lol I've got a bit of an addiction to this channel.
I'll just play one video because it popped up in my recommend and then watch for the next few hours while doing other stuff.
It's weird hearing you talk about only having 11k subs when I started watching only a few months ago, but it's also so cool to see how far you've come.
Do you house bee hives?
Sorry, one more comment. In the world we live currently, comedy has been lost because of too much sensitivity. I look forward to laughing with you and your satire.
Should make a mini trench like the one you put around you when your camping but put a drain over it so you don't fall over maybe
Look at this oasis!
You can save and sell the orange petals to folks who make soaps.
I love you
Another tour Mark?
I've been a subscriber for over a year but this is the first time I've seen this video – what a lovely property you have, Mark! I'd like to see an update. Also, I'm in the States and I'm curious as to the difference in real estate costs – I realize you've had your property for quite a while, but what would a home on 3 acres cost now in Australia?
Dont even hear the doggies
This is now 2021 September, and you have 1.2 MILLION subscribers…. now since watching this I want to find your “prepper comedy” videos!
Ya did it right!
You can graft avocado branch on to an established fruit tree
Which town are you near, please. As I know your in a sub tropical climate.
Do you have a drone? I would love to see the view from top
You are such an amazing guy! Best of everything from SC.
Five years old and just popped up for me. : ) Beautiful property, so interesting your weather is very much like mine in Florida. Love the diversity of your orchard.