March 17, 2025

VIDEO: How We Cure Potatoes & Onions To Stay Fresh For Months

We had hundreds of questions and comments on how we would keep our
harvest fresh for the winter and early spring months. In this episode I
will show you how we do that, and the steps to curing the harvest
properly since that is the first and most critical step.
Here are the burlap bags we got:
Here is the humidity gauge we used *it is amazing* :
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How We Cure Potatoes & Onions To Stay Fresh For Months

  1. Excellent video just the right length. I just dug up my experimental potatoes from my grow bag and wanted to know how to cure them. You seem to have done it in a spare room vs. a basement. Since i don’t have a basement, can i do that as well?

  2. Do you have to cure potatoes? I harvested mine and they were really small and I just put them in my kitchen on the counter for a few weeks now and I haven’t eaten any. I have no idea the average temperature they’ve been in so now I’m nervous

  3. Potato farmers leave them in the ground for two weeks after the vines are dead. This sets the skins so they are not so thin and delicate. I clip the vines off two weeks before I want to harvest them.

  4. 25-30% humidity in AZ? Hmmmm…temp inside house controllable, but humidity? Eek! It’s May 26, 2021 and outside humidity is 13% and indoors is 14%… recommendations?

  5. He look drunk or hungover lol or high idn which one but his skin is so flushed I wouldn’t trust nothing he says cus he doesn’t even look healthy and it is known proven facts to not store onion near potatoes bcus the potatoes will sprout

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