March 18, 2025

VIDEO: They Took Them ALL

This may be the angriest I have ever gotten in my entire life. The
selfishness and the greed of this world will be our downfall, and for
those who put the feelings of others before your own personal gain I
thank you.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: They Took Them ALL

  1. I think people don't understand. It's not about calling the police or retaliating etc. It's ALL about TRUST that paid the price. Something that you won't get back. The hard work Luke put in and was trashed by people who have so little regard for others. My neighbor was asked by her next door neighbor if they could "trim" her dogwood trees so they could get more sun in their yard. Yep! You know where that went… the "trimmed" all the branches off where all that was left was a trunk. All 3 trees died. They had the nerve to ask to borrow a $150 drill to and broke it. A year and a half later they replaced it with a $40 one. Really! Personally, there never would have been a second opportunity as I had pointed that out to my neighbor.

  2. It's Not your fault. It's the Others' fault. If they didn't come into the garden uninvited, this wouldn't have happened and your crops would have been fine. It's the Others' fault, not yours. It's good to be good, not bad. The others are just a low life with no manners and humanity. It says a lot about them.

  3. Who takes everything? WTF! I have a garden in the front as well as in the back. I give so much away guess im fortunate. I usually grow Halloween pumpkins for the neighborhood kids, one year someone smashed all the pumpkins and left them in the garden! WOW…had to go buy pumpkins for the kids

  4. I just saw this. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I've been too nice too many times too. What you should know: One in every 24-25 people have no conscience i.e. sociopaths. Source: "The Sociopath Next Door", by Martha Stout.

  5. A PERSON STOLE YOUR BEETS??? Geez o peet! I suspected a critter, not a human. Talk about ballsy! Ya gotta take control…no permission…they should ASK FIRST! Rude and unacceptable.

  6. I know this is a very old video, but it made me so sad and angry for you when I watched it. I am so sorry this happened to you even though it was 5 years ago.

  7. Lesson learned. Be very specific with folks what your boundaries are. Take responsibility for not having done that sufficiently. You can be all mad about someone's very poor behavior and how it has negatively affected you. On the other hand, be grateful that you have a very complete moral legacy from your family and your religion. Consider yourself as a garden that you have carefully cultivated that is thriving and that no one can mess with. Understand that others don't necessarily have that. You would be surprised how incomplete some folks' upbringing is, and what they have completely missed along the way, things that you take for granted. You can condemn them. But you can also understand they have something very essential missing from their lives, and they probably don't even know it is missing. It is quite possible that with the data they were given by your neighbor, or even by their own family, they felt it was totally fine to harvest from your garden. I'm just saying, you have the advantage of data that they are obviously missing. It's kind of like a child in their early stages of life and you are the adult. You can be very mad at a child for their immaturity. You can condemn a child for being morally deficient and accomplish nothing. Or you can fill in the missing data for them, with grace and kindness, and end up with someone who has simply taken another step up on their path and resolved an area of confusion. Read Crucial Conversations. A very good book to resolve situations like this.

  8. THATS IT! You tell everyone that no one is to go in your garden at ALL NO ONE! IM UPSET AND ITS NOT EVEN MY GARDEN! PRICKS! I see they left all the beet tops! UUrgh! If someone asks you to go in your garden say “Nope no one is allowed in my garden anymore! What do you need!” (Not want!) then you go in your garden and get them one tomato or one onion etc! I’m also going to mail you some “SMILE YOURE ON CAMERA!” Signs!
    Just an FYI because this happened to you, when my garden gets big NO ONE IS GOING IN IT!
    So sorry this happened to you!

  9. Ah, you young folk never remember that common sense is not so common. Take this as a learning experience. Now, for next time, remember that old proverb "Fool Me Once, Shame On You…"

  10. I had two peach trees that were loaded with peaches this year. One was a yellow flesh and one was a white flesh and so delicious and so juicy and it was my best year so far. I got up one morning 10 days ago and EVERY PEACH on both of my TREES WAS Gone…somebody stole them all in the night. If they asked I would have given who ever a bunch of peaches, but instead they snuck in my yard and stole them all….every single peach while my family was sleeping.

  11. People who have never grown food should not be left unattended in a garden. Only someone who does not know the sheer amount of effort it takes to make something even remotely edible would be so careless.

  12. I know this is old, but geez what a crappy thing to do. I would cry if someone did that to my garden. All the sweat and work that goes in to it I would take that very personally

  13. Wow, that didn't go where I expected. I was expecting this to be about gophers or something. I know I would be really angry in your position too, but I really hope you were able to forgive your friend and mend that relationship. I suspect their trust was broken as well.

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