March 19, 2025

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Puffballs – Allotment Grow How #puffballs #gardening

  1. Comunal toilets?!?

    I thought all allotmenteers (who are not on prescription [or other] drugs0 would be fertilizing their plots wit "humanure".

  2. well done! If you dont want seedlings coming up on your plot grab a tree surgeon who has a chipper and get him to dump you some chips off for free. Lay them down about 4 inches thick as your plot is already dug, and Bob is your uncle . . . The only weeds you will get are the perennial ones at first and then nothing much. Im doing this in my garden and on an allotment. I have had the easiest year ever and the biggest crops and have only watered four times in the whole year. Weeding the allotment takes about 10 minutes and then we are done, it was a dormant plot and this time last year had no been touched for four years.

  3. Hi Adam, Those courgettes are a good size, certainly the second one. My eldest granddaughter did a fab ratatouille last Monday and brought a dish round, very tasty. Don't be despondent about the weeds we all get them. You did a great video on watching paint dry so a video on an eco' toilet would be gripping stuff. Cheers Mike B

  4. I think these last few weeks have got away from a lot of people this year. Don't let it get you down though mate. You'll soon be getting ready for next year and back in the swing of things. All the best.

  5. Here in the states they are tasty. Some peal the skin of and grill them like a stake, but I personally am a fan of pan frying in butter after removing the skin.

  6. omg! You should've eaten it! We were gifted a puffball just like that once that someone found in their meadows and it was the most delicious thing ever! 🙂 Just seeing that makes me so excited! Give it here if you don't want it LOL! 😀

  7. Wet Labrador? If that's the case he's either cooking it wrong or picked an overripe one… Puffball is delicious fried in butter and breadcrumbs

  8. Sliced and fried in butter, puffballs taste pretty good. Do you know how to discern which are edible? Seems wise to share when advising that puffballs are edible. Interior should look like sponge cake. Do not eat any that have an interior mushroom image.

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