The wide array of delicious vegetables that are part of the brassica family are among the finest foods to grow and eat to sustain a healthy diet year round. Pat Battle offers experience based insights and expert advice on successful brassica production in the garden, hoop house and green house. Find out good varieties that will meet your desired outcomes for various growing situations. This knowledge will help you harvest more brassicas with each growing season that you can eat and share abundantly.
This is a great video. I grow a ton of brassicas and they are a confusing crop sometimes. I was really waiting for an in depth course on those. They are the bulk of our traditional food in cold upper europe. Mr. Battle, i have had fantastic success in my 1/3 acre garden which is farmscaped to the max, for native insect predators, birds and bees because i want my neighbor to have healthy hives. He said they were doing relatively well. That's better than his usual story.
I have sat under that cloud of butterflies this summer. Almost no caterpillars survive the wasps. (there is almost nothing more fun to watch than patrolling wasps and then see them pick a fight with a caterpillar that's too large) A few of those fuzzy ones survived and then came the birds. Bit of cabbage aphid but that was about it. And slugs, ohh well. I did not spray a single thing. Thank you so much for your warnings about pyrethrum as well. (in previous uncut) I was just about to order seeds for those.
Covercrops are a challenge though, because, like you, i grow pretty much year round, everywhere. I do mulch. Best thing i ever did and living roots in the ground wherever and whenever possible. Thank you for expanding our knowledge.
Loving the uncut videos! Thank you all SO MUCH you are all saints as far as Im concerned
Thanks for sharing the videos. Very educational. Loving they are uncut too!!
I really want to see more nitrogen fixing trees on your farm! Bill Mollison says they add more nitrogen to the soil than anyone can ever buy
I echo Chelsea Arizona & hailstorm711's sentiments.
At 3:32:00 I think Patryck is referring to the wonderful Madhur Jaffrey – she did many Indian cookery tv programmes & books in England for the BBC & is much loved here. I've never heard of her 'Eastern Cooking Cookbook', but I think she did write one called something like 'Eastern Vegetarian Cooking', which might have been renamed for the US market. Hope that helps
So then around 3:37:40 someone (Lisa?) has found the right spelling but retains the reversed name order – maybe I should finish watching the video before commenting!
this whole channel is amazing and super informative
I wish I could give this 1000 likes! This talk was WAY better than Netflix.
I can't wait to learn more from you, Pat. Awesome!!
From what I've read, Oilseed Radish is a patented seed, which I and probably you, aren't interested in supporting (or supporting the corporation who patented it). Do you know of one that isn't? Or do you know of a tillage radish or similar seed that isn't?
How do I get a handout of this info?
Madhur Jaffrey
How do you pronounce Tournefortii ? I know that 'Brassica', is as it's spelled. thx!
what is he talking about plantain and bee stings?
there are orbes flying around at 47 9 not sure it could be dust
Great video! Thank you so much. This should have thousands of likes.
What was the cover crop plant you said was related to comfrey?
At 3:05 the pin worm lupus comment is priceless observation. Thank you again Pat
Thank you for this wonderful presentation!
Pat Battle is my new hero! Love this guy.
I found
Madhur Jaffrey's Far Eastern Cookery
This was so good, just packed with great info.
I would like the result of that weed suppression test if possible