March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Coffee In Containers at Home! Complete Growing Guide

In this episode we will be showing you how to grow coffee from seed, in containers, at your home!!! Growing your own coffee can be rewarding, but challenging. We will talk about how to fertilize your coffee tree, pruning, watering, temperature, light, days till harvest, and soil type. We will also cover nutrient deficiencies like iron, magnesium, and nitrogen.
Get your coffee tree seeds HERE:

other links that will help:
Lava rock (whole) :
Lava rock (powder):
Coffee Tree seedling:
Liquid Chelated iron:
Solid Chelated iron:
Soil I use:

.99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds:
MIgardener Website
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Coffee In Containers at Home! Complete Growing Guide

  1. Thank you! I was proud to keep these coffee plants alive for a year, but the weaklings started dying off and my good one's leaves are getting smaller, it's great to know why!

  2. Thank you very much for all the information, I loved and help-desk me a lot… i have one question: do i must to change to a 5 litter or I can keep it in a smaller vase ? I am planning to plan one coffee tree in an apartment so that big vase wouldnt fit

  3. xD I dont know maybe some one can helpme with this, Right now my coffee plant is in a 5 inch pot (1L) and It only has about 5 months. should I repot it? it is growing quite slow :s but finally some of the darker leafs are comming out so i dont know if I should bother the plant :S

  4. Such a missed opportunity. You said it's gonna be a long video, so, sit down and grab a……… I so thought you were gonna say cup of coffee, but, you said water. LOL

  5. Aw man! The link to your soil type is busted and you do not mention it in the video! Any chance we can get an update on what soil to use? Looking forward to adding that super secret ingredient of lava dust to it! Great vid. Thanks for the info!

  6. We live on Hawaii island and are still watching your videos to see what you have to say. Today I am planting some cherry to see what happens. Our trees make seedlings on their own. Sometimes I weed whack them down. I wish I could send you some starts but our agriculture department would get mad.

  7. Question about my Kona Plant after watching your video. I have had a seedling in a large pot for a year (it is about the same size as the pot in the video). The plant is a single stalk. The plant is about 18 inches high a year later and totally healthy and doing well. I noticed the soil level is low. Do you recommend a raise the plant in the original soil? Or do you recommend I add an inch of soil on the top of the same plant over the next 3 or 4 years? Or do you recommend I do a complete repotting into the same pot or a new pot? I do not want to mess up a good, healthy plant.

  8. I got a quick question about the ferilizing part that actually sound pretty funny in the context of this video:
    Could you fertilize the coffee tree with used coffee grounds?

  9. I was planning on supplementing the soil with volcanic soil anyway. I'm grabbing it for my San Marzano tom. next year; may as well grab bigger bag and use it for coffee too.

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