March 22, 2025

VIDEO: My view of self sufficiency and book recommendation

A video long time in coming. It is longer that I wanted and I am sorry. If I continue with the self sufficiency theme I must clarify and reveal some things about me first. There will be other videos coming in the next several days that will clarify my stance on self sufficiency. This first video establishes the foundation that I feel is absolutely necessary for a self sufficient community to be effective.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: My view of self sufficiency and book recommendation

  1. To all watching and those who wish to comment. At the present time I am seeing that there should be at least one comment on this video. It is not showing up on my screen. I can't find it on G+, the dashboard, spam the bell dropdown or anywhere else. I am not trying to ignore anyone and I especially want to read comments for this video. If you don't see your comment posted or recieve a reply soon please send me private message.

  2. I'm confused with this talk. I understood the individual points you were making but the overall talk was so all over the place it was just not very coherent. Sorry I don't want to be negative and I am a Christian as well but just trying to be honest.

  3. I just watched your second video. (Somehow I got these videos out of sequence). Very interesting, thought-provoking series. Yes — self-sufficiency IS an mis-nomer, although it's so deeply rooted in the "homesteading / hobby farming / prepping lexicon, it's hard to stop using it. Perhaps a better term or phrase is probably "to work towards self-reliance as much as is possible". And yes — the Bible IS the ultimate life guide. (Although I do think Carla Emery's book is a close second when it comes to farming– smile) I cannot quote the Bible worth a toot — Instead I end up paraphrasing the "gist" of it most of the time. But I always think of St. Francis's words: "Go forth and preach the gospel. If necessary, use words." So, for me, a person's actions and conduct are always more important than their words. And ohmygosh, when you said, "Sometimes community and society just aggravates me so badly I have to pull away and get myself together" — I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU ON THAT. I get so discouraged with people sometimes. . . then I have to remember we're all a work in progress and, well, human. But I do get upset. . . . I haven't heard another Christian say that. Maybe I'm not so bad after all. ; )

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