March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Back to Eden~Fall Update & Tomatoes Galore!

A review of how well Back to Eden worked for us this year! Explosion still! Let me show you what I am talking about and really encourage you to get your materials going to start your very own! You will be so glad you did! Tomatoes galore, indeed!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back to Eden~Fall Update & Tomatoes Galore!

  1. I can't wait to try the BTE method. I need to do some more research due to being new to gardening. thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge, you really help clear some things up.

  2. I can attest this system does work, we live in southern KY and just started pulling ours out last weekend and let the chickens in to clean up. But not before we pulled another bushel of red, mostly green tomatoes out. Everyone else around us was done the 1st week of September…..Dill pickled green tomatoes are the best!

  3. No need to pull back the wood chips! Just put it on top like Paul says! I think I will plant first and then bring in the woodchips for the rest of the fall/winter when the seedlings get big enough. Are you doing a fall/winter garden?

  4. We make salsa, marinara as well as stewed tomatoes in turkey roasters, they are thermostatically controlled and even heat to avoid scorching the product. We also cook apples for apple butter in them they work great!

  5. Have you ever pulled green tomatoes before a frost and wrapped in newspaper and stored under a bed? I have heard of this from my elders but haven't done myself.

  6. Great video, as always! I'm going to have to get serious about Back to Eden! Great yield on those tomatoes! I'm also a lover of t posts and livestock panels! They are so versatile, I've also built a greenhouse and a "bean tunnel" for my climbing beans out of panels. I planted 8 panels of tomatoes this year, but alas it is time to rotate my bed this year. T POST PULLER to the rescue! Tractor Supply for $40. Works like a charm! Designed to pull "studded" t posts but will work on any with a piece of chain Those posts have been in the ground for 3 seasons and I could not budge them by conventional means. I pulled 46 posts and stacked them in an hour. I've gotten my money's worth already and saved my back! Very simple, well constructed tool that should be passed down to my kids. You continue to be an inspiration, all my best to your family in this trying time for you. Wishing your husband continued improvement!

  7. Without giving out where you live can you give a general area? Knoxville, Maryville, Madisonville etc…The reason I ask is I was wondering where you got your wood chips for your garden. I've only been able to find pine and/or chips that don't have any green included. If you wouldn't mind sharing where you got your chips I'd appreciate it. I just ran across your channel and you mentioned you live in East Tennessee. Thanks!! You have a new subscriber.

  8. I'm only on my third year of gardening and kinda just taught myself. My first year, I guess I didn't know most people pull out their tomatoes so early so I left my in until we got a hard freeze. Now I do that every year. Just last night I harvested tomatoes, peppers and beans and lots of herbs. I was getting fresh cucumbers up until just a couple weeks ago. As long as a plant is still producing I let it keep going.

  9. hope to try to grow them here healthy and taste like custard however flowers are only polinated by flys because the flowers may smell like rotting meat that is my concern

  10. Holy Maters! That's a lot of toms 🙂 The deer in our area would LOVE them. I fell in love with the Back to Eden video and we have already started prepping here in Ohio for next year. We bought our home last November and wanted to spend this year learning about where it gets the best sun, etc and have put in some fruit trees

  11. Can you tell us more about your use of flowers in the garden?  I've heard you mention zinnias and sunflowers in a few of your videos related to vegetable gardens.  Thanks !

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