Check out the only downloadable high intensity spacing guides on the
internet! HERE:
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Thank you for this…I love it!!!
this dude likes to hear himself, wasting time getting to the point mate
I've watched a lot on this channel and enjoyed quite a bit but this is the most exciting!! I'm going to transfer these onto strips of plywood for my raised beds next year! As far as the cost, keep in mind this is 1/24 the cost of that square foot gardening guide at the hardware store.
perfect for small space urban farming!!
Just ordered mine, along with several variety of seeds from your site! Thx
What about all the holes needed for your high yield lettuce rows?
I just received mine and can't wait to use it!! Thanks Luke!!
Are these paper still available? I see no where order information.
why do you pute 2 seeds per hole? would you need to thin one afterwords? specifically carrots
Ok i have to have that pdf lol
My lettuce is doing amazing. Thank you for the seeds. Now what do I do with so much lettuce
I was wondering if you had ever grown horseradish? I would like to start some. Any hints
Are these guides still available? I would be willing to pay for them but the link does not work.
What a deal!!! I have to say that I was honestly having a hard time keeping notes on all your recomendations on spacing in each video, I've been writing them down but it's gotten SO frustrating to keep them all in the proper categories, much less take the notes in the garden. I'm going to laminate these, poke holes in them and use them as my spacing guides – thank you SO MUCH for creating them this way instead of just writing out all the different measurements (which I would have bought anyway because it's still epic to have the list). You guys make the idea of growing food in a suburban area totally do-able.
Hi, where can I buy? your link does not work. I checked the shop on your site and cant find it.
I know this is an old video but the link doesn't work and I can't find your guide on your shop's website. Is it still possible to get it? If so, could you please post the new link? Thanks.
Do you have anywhere that the spacing is written down for me to make my own sheets up? I dont have a printer.
Another idea. Add a line on each paper that is one inch long. And advise to check after printing. Sometimes printers screw up the sizing based on page settings
Thank you, thank you so verrrrrry much! You and your information are so helpful, versatile, and time-saving/money-saving.
I'm a bit of a newbie and am learning high yield spacing, etc.
Good work, Luke!
I always read carrots were supposed to be 12-24 inches apart where rows are concerned. That never made sense to me so here I am looking for info to contradict that and wouldn't ya know, only took a second to find it.
My ocd loves this!
Timeless information. Thanks. Really enjoy your content
Omaha Nebraska Zone 5b
Super simple! I LOVE this
Hi Luke! I am a new subscriber and just love your videos. I'm also a relatively new gardener so they are so very helpful. I purchase the spacing guide and can't wait to get it. About how long until you send it via email? Thank you, thank you!
I wish there
Was some kind of spacing guide for tomatoes. We always end up putting them to close and restricts air flow. I really wish there was one for tomatoes because unfortunately we don’t really plant the ones that you have for the guides you have available. But that is an amazing thing you did for everyone. Thank you so much for that and I now know where to go to find a spacing guide if I decide to grow any one of those plants
Great idea, I really need this to grow carrots and spinach..I have never been successful growing these..
Thanks for sharing this information. This will help my cousin to learn spacing. I bought the seeding square. I wish I would have saw this first.
Thank you for your time and effort! If you are having to explain price, it must be to people that have never owned a business. You are best YouTube channel for gardening. I watch your videos … 1 video..done… for all the details.
Other videos.. it may take 5, if you’re lucky, to get all the info. you need.