June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Extrafloral Nectary Insect Activity on Cover Crops

See the abundance of insect activity on the extrafloral nectaries growing on cover crops. Extrafloral nectaries are nectar-secreting glands not involved in pollination produced in at least 66 plant families. The “EFNs” grow on their leaves, shoots, or in the case of cowpeas, at the juncture of the pod and the stem. The sugar and mineral rich liquid attracts predators and parasitoids, such as ants and wasps, which in turn defend the plants against herbivores and promote biodiversity of insect populations and pollinators.

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Extrafloral Nectary Insect Activity on Cover Crops

  1. Nicely filmed! 😀 Haven't noticed that about the vigna types of beans. (i just assume they all do that) I must take a closer look next year. Delicious beans. Not very well suited for my climate. Great idea though for covercrop. I have not used them that way yet. They kind of climbs… but not really. Bit of a pain to mix. Maybe under my tall brassicas. Yes! Noted. Great it attracts wasps. One of the most undervalued pest controls in the garden. In my garden, my best friends. Even the big scary hornets. They deserve respect, not a wasp trap.

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