June 26, 2024

VIDEO: Pickling a Glut of Chicken Eggs Recipe Back From Vacation

This video explains how I managed our animals (poultry) whilst we were away on vacation/holiday and also my recipe on how to pickle a glut of chicken eggs to preserve them.
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pickling a Glut of Chicken Eggs Recipe Back From Vacation

  1. Quick question… Can these be stored at room temperature or only in Refrigerator? Also, how long will they keep?
    Cheers to an excellent video & thanks mate!

  2. 11:32 How to make the pickling vinegar
    2 parts white vinegar to one part water
    Throw in whatever herbs/spices you want (dill, mustard seeds, bay leaves)
    Add sea salt – 1 tablespoon per liter
    Chuck in some garlic
    Add whole chilis
    Bring to the boil and then switch off the gas
    Add some of the cooked herbs/garlic chili etc to the bottom of the jar so it looks sexy
    Throw your boiled eggs in
    Pour the pickling vinegar over the eggs to fill the jar

  3. Big fan of the channel, but come on man, let's not call the chicken who doesn't want her unborn babies taken "miss nasty". I'd be pretty pissed myself. Anyway, again, great channel.

  4. You've spoke of your military service. i'm military as well. any chance of a video showing you showing your service?As a vet, i love seeing service related videos

  5. Ducks are a special kind of creature. I mean SPECIAL. My friends duck tried to dive an an old paint can full of water and got stuck and drown. IN A PAINT CAN just wow

  6. I lost all my chickens last year to two back to back hurricanes Laura and Delta Just three weeks apart. The eye of both came over my home, dead centered. A tornado missed my house but got my chicken coop and yard and took out a lot of big old oak trees. I'll be starting over this spring. A few years ago I had a bad fall, broke my leg in two places and ruined my knee. So I'll be making a raised chicken coop and pen and a regular chicken run on the ground. I'm going to make this closer to my house due to the leg injury, tendons don't heal well for people over 50. I look forward to making pickled eggs. I am gonna try the raised beds, this would be heavenly for me, getting down on the ground is simply a no go situation for me. If I got down I would never get back up with out help. I love your videos I live on the Louisiana gulf coast of the U.S. , we are on the verge of being sub tropical. It's warm here 85 to 90 % of the year. I plan to make the coop and pen out of cinder blocks and cement about two feet off the ground So I do not have to squat down of kneel and I can hose it off I plan to make this completely covered with wire mesh and a roof. I am hoping to have this finished in a few weeks. I am going to recruit a bunch of young people to help me out So the work will go quickly.

  7. Hey brother to guarantee a perfect peel add a couple tablespoons of salt and a couple tablespoons of vinegar boil them for 12 minutes cool them for 15 And literally the pills just fall off of them it’s fantastic I’m 65 and I just learned this and I usually boil about 60 eggs at a time

  8. I have great success peeling boiled eggs if I get the kettle of water on a gentle boil before adding the raw eggs. Gently lower the eggs into the boiling water. After they are done cooking, you run them under cold water and they peel very easily. Please try it and let me know what you think.

  9. Great video!

    2 items here…
    1. As for peeling newer eggs, I tried all the different methods…the one that works 100%:
    Get a very pointy knive (i use a fillet knife, but any very sharp pointed device will do), and poke a small hole into the broad-end of the egg PRIOR to boiling. Doesn't matter if you make too big of a hole… just that tiny punch allows the hot water to penetrate and release the shell. Easy-peasey!

    2. Eggs outdoors for 10+ days…? How long can they be left out before going bad?

    Charlotte USA

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