March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Do You Want to Be a Beekeeper? with Michelle Carter

Learn about beginning steps of beekeeping and see if you are ready to pursue this unique passion. Find out what is involved to manage your own hives and take care of bees. Michelle Carter discusses the amazing connection she has with her bees and talks about the practical and spiritual side of being a beekeeper. Michelle also makes salves, skin care products and other things with her bee’s contributions from the hive. See more about her and her handmade offerings at

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Do You Want to Be a Beekeeper? with Michelle Carter

  1. This is such an informative video! I'm in South Florida and found a beehive wedged between storage boxes cover underneath a tarp. about 2 months ago. Your video is amazing! I wanna keep them, but some people say that I can't. Should a beekeeper be able to salvage it and set it up properly? Thanks!

  2. A swarm of honey bees took over my elevated owl house and made it their home last Spring. I let them be. They love it, and they managed to perk my interest. They caused me to watched your fabulous, compassionate, and informative bee video. Now you and the "owlhouse" bees have provoked me to adopt these little buddies and get them a new and proper home. Thank you

  3. You said, 'one must treat bees or they die within 2 years'.
    It's not true!
    I didn't treat
    I have over 40 colonies and sell some every year and produce honey.
    My winter losses are consistently below 20% and often below 10%
    Medication is only necessary if you are fighting nature.
    When using good husbandry methods, with healthy bees, they do not need drugs or other treatments.
    Apart from this, I love your approach to beekeeping and this video's style. And I'd be very happy to help you transition to treatment free beekeeping.
    Tom Seeley, an excellent scientist and author of several books, including Honeybee Democracy, is also a great resource for treatment free beekeeping.

  4. Wow, this woman is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. What an incredible class on beekeeping – hands down the best I’ve found. Thank you for sharing!

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