More questions being answered as I work! Bottom line. Homesteading and self-sustainability takes years to establish and in that time… life happens! Take on new projects and learn skill sets in stride so that you can complete each one never becoming over-whelmed! You can Go Big & Go Homestead… just pace yourself! Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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good video more people should learn to listen and slow way down. theres only so many hours in the day
My new goal: be the queen of simple! Lol! Thank you Patara! You are a gem!
I found you through another homesteading video series ! (justin rhodes permaculture haha)
really like the blunt, but thoughtful advice. I'm a suburban city boy so I'm trapped for now lol, but I feel like someday I'll be able to start living more self-sufficiently.
How sensible! Good advice for any area of life.
Excellent reminder, Patara.
Love your videos, appreciate your teaching and really get a kick out of seeing you wearing your beautiful pearl earrings while scrubbing animal equipment!
Another great video from Patara. Love the way she is teaching us about homesteading, farming, and more.Got the bread part down as well as corn cakes on the cast iron griddle. moving to actual cornbread. Just picked up 2 Lodge corn stick pans that cook 7 sticks each.Also got a 12 inch carbon steel skillet today. Going to start out slow so I do not bite off more than I can chew. I think it will be fun.
Great advice
Thanks, I really needed this video. Sometimes I feel I am not doing "enough" but I need to remember how busy I am…working part time, homeschooling 2, trying to move….I just want to learn how to make my own ACV, that will be my new goal. LOL, but really thanks.
So many things to learn. So little time. I am thinking the biggest skill you need to learn is how to pass on what you Already now know. Just because you know and think it is easy, don't mean others know the same.
Thank you!
I am starting to homestead. I have a special needs child that learns very well with his hands. My husband and I are wanting to teach him things that he doesn't have to read or write in order to do. This video is one of many that we need. Thank you!
Could you recommend or have a video on all things chick?
I have researched the chickens and have chose Buff Orpington. I am building a coup. Have chose to start with one rooster and 4-5 hens. But I have not seen a video on the daily tasks that chickens need. My older son has learned how to humanly butcher them and skin them. But we are missing the vital day to day things that chickens need.
But thank you for this video too.
Hopefully another five years will be enough time.
Good advice, Blessings. Take care of yourselves
Very solid advice. God bless ~ Rich
I agree it takes a lot of work we got a small area for our garden when we started I had just dug six holes along the house for tomatoes now we plant about 20 tomatoes two small rows of green beans but I can grow them two times a yr and corn and onions there just the greens but we havnt fig out how to grow onions like you get from the store and since we can't have chickens just a few yrs ago we started out with two rabbits then two more was given to us but they where rexes but the where old so I took my doe to jnull0 and breed her this yr but now I have 4 does and two bucks for my breeding stock of meat rabbits. we just got them in the past three yrs but it took us time to learn how to breed them we have dispatched about 50 rabbits this yr and I can't wait to see how well my rexs do next yr I hope the do good so we can make some extra cash but you are correct it's a lot of work
How fortuitous to come in the house totally discouraged after putting together a shanty pallet duck coop and not feeling strong enough to take care of animals anymore. I do have my fruit trees and berries bushes in though. I'm about halfway done mixing a truck load of wood chips with the leaves that are falling in my yard. Definitely going to pull back on the harder projects and spend the winter losing weight and building my strength so I can tend my garden and ducks next Spring. Being 60 years old, working full time and trying to make a homestead is more than challenging.
thanks Patara you rock as usual, working as a couple some days I wanna beat him for all he plans and attempts to do in 1 day!!! I can't fix stupid all I can to is moderate what I myself can do, no burn out needed, but you actually reached him, THANKS!!!!
Great video
That's all very good advice Girl! If they listen to you at least they shouldn't find themselves Starving in the deep snow on their homestead!
I love this video! I get so overwhelmed thinking about all we could do with the land we have. I have just started my list of the things I really want to learn to do. Just brainstorming. It's getting cold here in Tennessee so this winter might be a good time for me to learn to make bread, study about canning & gather my canning supplies. Thanks for making me remember that i don't have to achieve my 5 year goals by next summer. It's one skill at a time! Love your videos. Heck we are practically neighbors! Lol
Keepin it real

Keepin it comin
Thank You
Omg so glad I found this video, I'm one of those people that wants to learn SO MANY THINGS and it gets overwhelming!
I can't express how much this helped me. I'm new to homesteading. Just moved from Colorado to Wyoming on to my fiances established homestead. Was feeling like a failure because I'm struggling to get unpacked, learn to bake, paint, set up my pantry rooms, care for the animals. Some days I have done well just to cook and get my dishes done. Thanks for the encouragement that I don't need to learn to do everything from the outset. Realizing I don't have to be superwoman here in this new environment has been a tremendous relief. Thank you again for all you do to help us.
This is EXACTLY what I needed today Ms. Patara! I have really been struggling the last few years because of health struggles limiting me. I have 5 children 10 years down to 3 years old, I homeschool and my Husband works a very physical full time job, we just can't do everything we want to right now. I am a dreamer and a go getter and very frequently "bite off more than I can chew", thank you for being a voice of reason! I look forward to going to the conference again this year!
thank you for all you do bless you and your family
now, it needs to rain! thank you for your good sense attitude and experience. you are a good friend to have and your friends are blessed.
Great advice. Thank you very much
Okay!! I’m going to make a list, read it over, think about it, and make the decision of where to start! Thank you!!
Love your enthusiasm !!….and wisdom !