Two very simple guidelines in keeping your home canned goods safe! Always do your research on appropriate canning techniques and for proper storage! Canning is a great skill set for self-sustainability! Just be safe about it! That’s the goal… safety.
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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This is why I don’t can. I am to scared of it
Thank you for this video! Do you have any book recommendations on proper canning?
Very good advice.
Thank you. I am a beginner.
Thanks I needed hear this
Thank you for Explaining why you don’t leave the rings on.
I do stack some, so now know bwtter.
Thank you so much for your video it was spot on!!
Can you start an Instagram account I'm not on Fakebook
Thanks did not know.
Wow, didn't know this!
I did a small batch of canning spicy pickles and jalapeños from my garden for the very first time this past summer and we been enjoying them so I got a pressure canner for Christmas and I have a water bath canner but I did not know about the rings so I went right into my pantry And remove the rings thank you for that information love your channel
Thank you, I'm a new canner. You explained the reasons beautifully
Does this go for dry canning, like beans, with vacuum sealer?
Thank you for giving the explanation for taking off the rings. My sister told me she running out of rings for canning, because people gifted with jars of food returned the jars, but not the rings. I saw she had many rings on jars in her pantry. I suggested that she just take the rings off the jars in her pantry and reuse them, since they shouldn’t be on jars in storage, anyway. But I wasn’t able to explain why. She thought the jars were more protected with the rings.
Thanks for they info.
Thank you for the amazing info. Loved the video.
Thanks for this info. I follow the rules but did not understand why.
how interesting! thank you so much!!
Just starting, thank you so much for the information. I would have left the rings on and stacked.
Thank you so much for this video!!!!! Have been waterbath canning for about 2 months, just got my pressure canner 3 days ago. Yesterday canned a bunch of pinto beans. Back when I canned my 1st batch of mixed berry jam I took the rings off. My husband contradicted me and said to leave them on. So Yesterday helping me he took all the quart and pint jars down to the long term storage. I was watching this video today and he listened in on it. So I told him I'm going to take them off. He admitted I was right the 1st time. Low and behold I found 1 of the pint jars to have a false seal!!! Thanks again this video helped so much!!
I'm on a mission to begin my garden and start canning. I'm so worried about canning I feel I can't get enough information in this worn out brain. Lo
Thank you. This is clear and answered my questions. “A picture is worth a th Pusan’s words!” Changed my mind.. I’m not stacking or leaving my rings on!
O. M. G!!! How glad I am that I just watched this video. I'm just learning how to can, and I canned 10 pint jars of beef bone broth, and I actually stacked my jars! I immediately un-stacked them (I only stacked them 2 days ago), so I pray I'm not too late. I'll definitely keep my eyes on them. Thank you so much for the information.
I vented my beef broth as soon as the 25 minutes were done, will that hurt my product? Please help me!
I am so glad I saw this video months ago.
I went by Walmart to get more jars and they are selling ball jars, marketing them as stackable. I would've bought them if I hadn't seen this video. Thanks for letting us know they are not to be stacked.