March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Resetting a Broody Hen~

Keeping a broody hen that is on a clutch can be tricky business! Miss Sally the Silkie has been completely reset this week in her own little hideaway. If you can move a broody and keep her separated and calm, that is the way to go for sure by my own experiences. Let’s see how Sally responds. So far so good!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Resetting a Broody Hen~

  1. Patara , I just love Miss Sally the Silkie but I am dying to know if Miss belle is back yet …I have never farmed in my life but I love to listen to everything you have to say …..I am so sorry about your husband ….but if there is anything I can do to help please let me know …..Love, Annie 🙂

  2. I love seeing all your chickens but my favorite is Miss Sally. She's absolutely beautiful! What type of chickens were your first? I think I remember you saying you started with six. Is that correct? Would silkies be a good starter chicken?

  3. I meant to ask how the eggs that you marked with permanent marker are doing. Did Miss Sally take to those eggs? Have they hatched yet? I didn't see an update to that video. Thank you Patara for all your great informative videos. I've learned a lot by watching them.

  4. I found the video. Didn't realized I had already watched it. I was hoping Miss Sally would be able to hatch that clutch. Hopefully the three remaining will make it.

  5. the wife and I are starting homesteading with chickens (10) we have a brooder , she does good . we are worried about her brooding in the winter months. your thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated . thanks ahead of time . we love your videos !!!!

  6. Thanks for another great video! Does your turkey have free rein with all of the chickens? How well does that work out? I believe you said a while back that you've had him for a little while and you only had the one turkey. Have/would you consider having more than one turkey at a time?

  7. I love silkies, and I want some so badly. lol I got some buff orpingtons because I had just black autralorps and everything I read said that BA's didn't go broody. Well my BA's went broody like crazy.

  8. This may sound like a strange question but can a person make a chicken coop out of a metal shed?I'm getting chickens for the first time this spring and I'm wanting to make broody/ separate places for my chickens.

  9. My question is I have broody hen "Comet" Little GIRL…..noticed a difference in her about a week ago. I lost my Rooster about 2 months ago so her eggs are not fertilized. What do I do? Pull away from her clutch for a few days? Will she go back to be normal. Blessings

  10. Thank you for your videos!! I only have two hens they are free range and share a small coop with two nesting boxes. One is broody and now sitting on 6 fertile eggs (I purchased). My question is… do I need to separate my broody hen even though I only have one other chicken?? Sorry if this is a silly question.

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