March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Goanna Getting Attacked by Kookaburras in Chicken Pen

Here’s the full version of this video Goanna & Kookaburras fight this puts the scene into context better and shows what I was doing at the time (more VLoggy type thingy)… I love observing nature as most of us do so I’m glad I could share this footage with you. BTW, no animals were seriously injured in this video. Cheers 🙂
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Goanna Getting Attacked by Kookaburras in Chicken Pen

  1. Fascinating to this california native. Nothing like that around my neck of the woods. You've inspired me to find out more about kookaburras and goannas. will show this to the grandkids for a wildlife lesson. Enjoy your other videos too as I am a permaculture student in training . Best regards

  2. Wow I haven't heard a kookaburra in years. I used to love to hear them in the morning. However, we didn't have goannas attacking our chooks though.

  3. Wow what drama. I'm surprised the kookaburras dont attack you. Was that an ibis in the tree? Never seen a sun hat with ear holes so your ears can burn.

  4. Amazing video! I love all your videos and this one really shows nature doing what it does best. The Goanna has thick skin at least, but those peck marks ouch!

  5. I know it's an older video, but it popped up on my feed. We have these birds called Blue Jays here in Kansas. They are about as big as Kookaburras, and they hate everything. They divebomb my dogs, and scream at me if I'm near their tree. They fight the squirrels all day during the summer. The squirrels egg then back on. They also really hate cats. Glad the Kookaburras watch out for you. Blue Jays don't give a damn about anything, but themselves.

  6. Growing up in the US we sang a song as children. "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bush is . . . " Every heard it? I wasn't sure what they were. Very cool.

  7. We had a goanna on our 5 acres maybe last year in nsw in a area I’ve never seen them and it was going for my old 17 year old bordercollie so I quickly bought him in and it got so scared and never seen one again

  8. We had a goanna on our 5 acres maybe last year in nsw in a area I’ve never seen them and it was going for my old 17 year old bordercollie so I quickly bought him in and it got so scared and never seen one again

  9. The big old wood stork!? Perched, waiting for the kookas to do their gang violence! Epic! The young Gow will no longer seek your eggs! He should wait til night. Scooter is exceptional!

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