Myself and Allotmental have grown some monster beetroot this year… and as it’s Halloween it only seems right that we do a reveal today.
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Happy birthday!!! No matter what the outcome will be, one thing is for sure. You will be eating an aweful lot of beetroot in the coming week. Lucky you. Mine sucked.
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday, have a great evening
Happy bloody birthday mate. Facebook hasn't told me it is your birthday otherwise this would be earlier. I would also like to proffer you a very rare thing indeed. It is called an IOU1PINT. It can be exchanged at any time when vicinity allows. All the best mate, it has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance online. I hope the year ahead is full of good things.
Happy 25th Birthday Adam hope you got lots of monster presents. Parsnip you pulled for me is about right length. I don't think the frost is that important, mine are very sweet. I pulled the lot on Saturday, no not a fit of peak, there is reasoning in my madness, will reveal all on my next upload. Oh yes, Home grown veg suggests pushing down on the parsnip prior to pulling. Tried it seems to work. Don't drink too much booze with the lads tonight Enjoy Mike b
happy birthday and you have a great night x
Happy Birthday Adam, hope it was a good one.
Best wishes
Happy Birthday Adam! – You old scrote!
Ive been subbed for a few months now……always wondered, whats with the crazy resolution ha
Great vid kid. Monster Veg…loved it. And if you're 25 then I'm the second coming of Christ… Now I feel it's safe to say we're both liars…But only in jest of course. Thanx for taking the time on your B-day. Loved it. Randy
Happy birthday sunshine!
Happy Birthday Adam. Best wishes Bob.
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a bit more than that little cake as a treat! I think you should defo do a biggest beetroot competition next year. Mine are very large but not as perfectly formed as yours. Anyway please can we have more silly videos I really enjoyed this one : ))
Get a grip man… Monster Beetroot lol
Happy Birthday Adam. The beetroot and Parsnips are looking good.
Happy belated birthday! Wondering why my beetroot have no facial expressions. What's your secret, Adam?
Aww HAPPY BELATED BIRHTHDAY ADAM!!!… Hope you had fun… Creepy root beets.. lol TFS T
I missed this one ! I tried to find videos about Halloween on the allotment. Was beginning to think you don't celebrate Halloween in England. Ah well. Better late than never. Thanks for the video. Oh, and Happy Birthday ! What a great day to be born !
Super nice beet root. Sorry I missed your birthday. I hope it was a good one.
Nice beetroot but i think mine is bigger lol just uploading now…happy halloween
Shoulda spliced in parts of that for this year, lol!!