March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Would You Starve 5~In A Drought!

The question stands. The struggle is very real, folks. The point of this is strictly to make you think. Look at history and please be proactive with all sources that are available to you!
Thanks for watching! xo
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Would You Starve 5~In A Drought!

  1. I have a year round stream and 20 foot waterfall on my homestead plus two 50 gpm wells. I also have access to municiple water at the road. I chose to build my homestead on the east side of the Big Island of Hawaii because of the year round rainfall and massive water shed off the mountians. The deep soil is also perfect for year round growing.

  2. i think the thing that worries me the most when it comes to dealing with drought is that all the backup systems in the world won't help you if God just decides to see how we ALL deal with drought….once you have exhausted all resources at home, then all the public resources are going dry too, that is just a very scary i don't want to deal with but i do think about often. Thank you for sharing this video as this weighs on my mind alot.

  3. In Nevada you can not rain catch, but we just bought 2 10 acre lots. One with a deep well on it that pumps 45 gals per minutes. Static water is at 10 feet so we can install a hand pump. I will be drilling another well on the 2nd piece of land and them we will pump water into holding tanks to supply the houses and gardens. We will start with 7000 gals and them add to it. Water is live and with out it you will die. The man who controls the water controls the valley.

  4. this summer i watched as all the rain went north or south of our area, it was so close i could smell the rain some days and yet we didnt get any. our drought lasted about three months, the dairy farmers received govt monies because their cows went dry. now i understand your drought has been longer than ours was but its the first drought that i have in memory. it has been an eye opening experience. natural resources are not unlimited, even water

  5. "…the time of Jacob's trouble…". 6" of rain here since May. average, 24". 5 of those in the last 10 days. You don't have to scare me…i'm scared 99% of people don't notice or care. We (usa) should have "gone to Niniva".

  6. I went hiking for four days on the Appalachian Trail in mid October, and we had to carry 5 liters of water each because the mountain springs were all dried up. It was really hard. Scary, almost.

  7. Just finished record rain fall for October here in Western WA. We are putting in catchment systems to reduce flooding and ordering more gravel to help with the mud. Wish we could share! Prayers for some rain your way.

  8. Hi I'm from Maine and we are also in drought..We have only got 2"of rain in many months..We are suppose to get some rain tomorrow calling for 1".. The farmers here and many more there wells are gone dry..We are country folk no city water around us..The well drillers can't keep up with folks drilling new wells..They have put the word out now if your looking for a new well we are booked until the new coming year..If you think you need a well call and get on list..
    Farmers ponds are dried they are going to rivers and lakes pumping water in big water tanks…Alot of farmers are selling animals at auction it's not just water the hay supply not good it's so dry only got one cutting of hay of any quality..So there you have it in our part of country here..God Bless

  9. That is a great book. My mom and her siblings lived through it. 12 kids! But G-ma and G-pa survived. They had survival skills and spirits. G-pa got a good deal on land once because no one else could find water except for one of his sons. Now Uncle Jim's boys are running the place! Three generation farm.

  10. O.K. That's it. We pray for rain, all of us. I live in a swamp in South Florida. Not a drop of rain here the whole month of October. Saw on internet to be a dry winter. We have rainy season and a fire season, here. Get your rain barrels and anything you have to catch water out.  Be extremely careful with any burning, trash, cigarettes even parking in the grass after car has been running.  Wild fire is so scary.  We have seen it here before.  Some of our old fence posts are charred from before we bought the place. Southern Prepper 1 has excellent advice.

  11. You are such a great teacher. You get the point across and throw a little humor in for good measure. I love your videos. Goin all Michael Meyers on us..ahhaah that was funny.

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