March 26, 2025

VIDEO: QUAIL~Yay or Nay?

So many of you repeatedly ask my personal take on raising Quail. Well, here it is. I think you should alway carefully evaluate what works for you and your farm. No two farmsteads are the same! Always do what works for you! Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: QUAIL~Yay or Nay?

  1. This is a great video. Quail was a "gateway animal" for us, while we were living in a suburban HOA, and we couldn't have any other animals. Raising quail helped us to see that we wanted to do MORE. One thing that it's hard to see in a video is that the quail eggs are also more difficult to use. When you hold one up next to a chicken egg, it looks like it would only take 3-4 quail eggs to be the size of a chicken egg–not so. They are smaller than they look on camera. They are also much more difficult to use. The shells get into the egg, and it takes much longer to deal with the quail eggs than it does a chicken egg–which you can easily and quickly crack 1-handed. In short, the quail eggs aren't all they are cracked up to be….(har har!) But we loved having them, and they were the "gateway drug" to getting more animals, LOL!

  2. I'm Figuring Quail & Turkey, But Start with Quail due To That They Run Free & Survive In The Desert srea I'm Going Into, Where as Chickens Dye From The Heat & Sand Is Free. Sound Reasonable? Would Like Duck, But Not Sure How Well They'd Work.

  3. Thanks for the video input. My husband loves quail meat and he's done the butchering and cooking for me. He also works at a sushi restaurant so he already has a big buyer for quail eggs, quail eggs go into some of the sushi rolls.. His coworkers buys our ranging chicken eggs and his boss buys my hot peppers for the cuisines. That'll be our next edition to our small farm and then we're getting ducks this spring. So excited! I agree it does all depend on what you like, if it's just a hobby, or what market you can sell to. We've done full research and we know what feed to get and the local cost, so we're definitely trying it out as a meat production. We'd placed our order for hatching eggs. Praying to get little chickies! We live in a forested acre, so there's not enough pasture for a cow and pig pen, so all of our livestock has to be small. So far we have ten chickens and pet rabbits, which we absolutely adore! And our other important goal is to have enough animal manure to sustain our large veggie and flower garden, which is our biggest feature to our homestead. So if it's small, and I if can keep it happy within my budget and it poops, that's my first benefit from it. Lol.

  4. I used to keep quails, I used to be a private parrot breeder on a regeneration programme for the New Zealand Government, I only had them to clean up the seed the parrots dropped on the floor, back then people kept quail as pets only, now all I hear is talk about eating quail and their eggs and not once did I think of that when I had them, and they where large European Quail which I can't get now I'm living in Australia, do you think quail would go with hens? I would like to go back to having hens and if quails can survive with hens I might have them again. I know they would be safe with Chinese Sulkies but what about larger hens?

  5. as an old lady living in a high rise, I wanted some way to raise food in my apartment. I looked at guinea pigs. I looked at quail. and in the end I tried quail. yes, in my apartment! it can be done! I was eating all the meat and eggs I could eat. but after a few years it finally got too much, the mess and the smell, I just couldnt keep clean enough. with great reluctance I gave it up. but in the right circumstances IT CAN BE DONE in an apartment.

  6. Some people are not allowed to have chickens because of city ordinances. But because quail are not considered "farm" animals I can keep as many as I would like, the same with rabbits. My city ordinances says I can have 4 chicken hens but no rooster. So quail are the only birds I really can raise for eggs and meat.

  7. Quails are generally a small time animal. If you have the space and a bigger farm as she does, quail are small time. She can replace the production with bigger animals. If I were her I might keep a few only as a little treat once in a while. She already has the egg production from chickens and ducks, and meat from many other sources as well, so why bother. I see her point. But for me, small and quiet…. rabbits and quail. Not a duck fan.

  8. Very informative. This gal knows her stuff. I live in a small city (approximately 25,000) and not on a farm and I’m considering quail because of space. Thank you for being so honest.

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