March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Fall Garden Soil Preparation all Gardens PLUS Raised beds- Back to Eden gardening method. Pt 6

Part 6 of 6 R.Beds. The Correct WAY to Fall Garden Soil Preparation..All Gardens PLUS Raised Beds Back to Eden gardening method 101 with wood chips. Raised bed gardening, etc.

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fall Garden Soil Preparation all Gardens PLUS Raised beds- Back to Eden gardening method. Pt 6

  1. What about plant like mint, if you don't pull it out, it propagates like nuts from any little piece of root. Previous owners of house apparently decided to plant mint in front yard, we've been battling it for no avail for practically a decade… A note to all gardeners, (ALWAYS plant mint in a pot or SECLUDED bed)

  2. I'm coming late to the game but just ….wow….your video content is excellent! Such a pleasure to watch your teaching content! Hoping to transfer this to my residential gardening! Please continue with these great videos as I play catchup to watch and learn! You really deserve an award for them…I have watched so many other videos from time to time but I have to emphasize yours are absolutely the best hands down! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you make to inform us all!

  3. Thankyou very much Mark, I hold 3 certificate two of them is for teaching, I feel very empowered by what I have just learnt from you I am now going to try and put this system into practice so that I can show and even teach others because it is the most natural way of gardening with very little cost financially and maybe repaying, renewing the earths soil with goodness. Thanks' again Mark brilliant.

  4. I noticed the soil is very dry it is a good idea it’s a little bit like the high bales of straw bales way of garden beds but those garden beds need lots of water specially with tomatoes how does your race beds work with using the water for growing tomatoes etc with out the soil drying out???

  5. great video…do the strawberries eventually spread and take up too much room in your raised beds? or do you cut them back?

  6. I’m starting a new garden spot, I want to cover it with a deep layer of leaves! But I also want to plant clover for the root benefits! It seems like I can only do one or the other! Which covering would be best in preparation for spring planting? Thanks, your videos are amazing. Awesome work

  7. With the raised beds and woodchips do you plant Sunflowers in the middle again next year? Should you rotate your crops like tomato plants to a different bed in the spring?

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