Looking at 3 high end poly tunnels. All made by Harnois. Winterizing chickens in one of the tunnels.
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Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.
Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot: http://bit.ly/2cziu7v
Canon Rebel T6i: http://amzn.to/29JApHr
Canon wide angle lens 10-18mm: http://amzn.to/2a2t1pl
Shure Lens Hopper shotgun mic: http://amzn.to/29zpdMz
Joby Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod): http://amzn.to/29JBBu7
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Cool! Loved the chickens. They were a bit unexpected. LOL
Thank you for all the videos Curtis. I'm moving from the UK & starting an organic farm in Kenya, East Africa in a month on a 1.5 Acre farm. Both yours & Jean- Martin's videos are a godsend!
Thank you:)
Thank you for uploading
Hey Curtis,
I'm looking into berries and such on top of regular greens etc, should i run them north/south or east/west? I am redoing my raised bed plantings in order to stop kale/chard from reaching for light, and I can't seem to find a consensus. What are your preferences?
That greenhouse is probably closer to $20k including all the electrical etc.
hi Curtis! really interesting stuff, I would like to know how JM is selling all this stuff?
by the way : please do not underlay music while you are speaking.
Cool theme music!
I assume the chicken are in the geenhouse also to fetilize the soil (in addition to free tilling, weeding and keeping them alive during the winter…). Is there an estimation of how much nitrogen will be added to the soil during this period ?
looking forward for new videos
Awesome farm
thanks for showing us around 
What is JM's jobs there? Is this HIS farm or is it like a co-op?
The shots from the air are beautiful. Is this something you would like to move to ? Heavy set up costs but JM has done the learning and put it straight into financial top gear. thank-you for the updates on what he is doing.
Those greenhouses look pretty high tech. They must be really expensive.
My friend next to me wants to know if JM farms are subsidized. He can't believe they're profitable enough… Hope this isn't a very uncomfortable question. Thanks for the tour
Hi Curtis, could you ask JMF where he moves all of the produce, I know much of it is to CSA and restaurants, but with a farm that size that intensive those cannot be his only outlets. Does he do any wholesale movement of product?
Thanks for asking!
How is he watering his crops? Saw a few hoses but didn't see any drip.
That's one bad ass greenhouse. I want one.
Man I am loving these videos!
bull shit criss! cette serre la vaux jamais 10 000$ elle vaut environ 27 milles dollars avec toute l'équipement!!!
Humane the way the chickens are treated, good to see that.
You estimated that the greenhouse in this video was about $10K. Was that a realistic estimate? If so, that seems very affordable in the grand scheme.
Fantastic!!! Some constructive feedback: having the music behind you talking is distracting and frankly, annoying. Enjoy it much more when I can focus my attention on what you're saying and seeing what you're talking about than trying to hear you over that noise. Thank you.
Fascinating. If you can hold 20k/wk all year, you're talking real $$$$. Do you think the law of diminished return comes into play at all here? Like when you scale up in ag, or anything really, the burden of overhead and staffing costs often leaves the owner making little more profit than when he was small or a couple man crew. Thoughts?
I love growing the Red Kitten Spinach, it's very pretty and tastes great! JM's place is just awesome, I never get tired of seeing all his stuff!
how much is the initial investment ???