March 3, 2025

VIDEO: Biodynamic Farming Weekend with Jeff Poppen Day 2 UNCUT

Join Jeff Poppen, ‘the Barefoot Farmer’ for day two of this biodynamics intensive based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. Amy Hamilton and Craig Ciska also share their experience and wisdom in this workshop. Biodynamics includes subtle yet powerful methods that work with the synergy and dynamics of nature to cultivate more dynamically alive soils and nutrient rich harvests.

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Biodynamic Farming Weekend with Jeff Poppen Day 2 UNCUT

  1. (do you use earthworms in your system?)(do you use kelp emulsion?)(Catherine Puckett raises KELP in Block Island sound Rhode Island (pink boats) makes GOOD MONEY (maybe you collaborate with her and incorporate her seaweed into your soil?(contains all ninety minerals from ocean water to make your tomatoes highly productive and nutritious?)(and maybe talk to ELAINE INGHAM soil biologist (AMAZING) and buy a microscope ($300?) to see why shes so excited about microbes and mycorhhizal fungi and exudates?

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