March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Easiest Method to Propagate Hibiscus Flower Plant

Daizz’s tips:-
The hibiscus cutting should be 5 to 8 inches long. Remove everything but the top set of leaves. Trim the bottom of the hibiscus cutting to be cut just below the bottom leaf node (bump where the leaf was growing). Dip the bottom of the hibiscus cutting in rooting hormone.The next step for propagating hibiscus from cuttings is to place the hibiscus cutting in well draining soil. Make sure the rooting soil is thoroughly wet, then stick a finger into the rooting soil. Place the hibiscus cutting into the hole and back fill it around the hibiscus cutting.Place the hibiscus cutting in partial shade. Make sure the rooting soil stays damp (not wet) until the hibiscus cuttings are rooted. The cuttings should be rooted in about 4 weeks. Once they are rooted, you can repot them in a bigger pot.

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library

please watch my previous videos
How to Grow Tons of Lemons in Pots (Hindi/Urdu)

How to take care of your rose plants (HINDI/URDU)

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Easiest Method to Propagate Hibiscus Flower Plant

  1. Bhaiya mere paas 2 hibiscus plants ha jinke leafs sabhi leafs jhadd Gaye ha bas stam reh gayi ha or koi propogation Ni ho rahi ha to aap pls kuch batao jis se plant me new leafs Ane Lage pls bhaiya rly kariye

  2. I have mealy bugs problem in my hibiscus plant and lost as it effected my plant completely. Recently I have seen some leaves growing back can u help me how to protect plant from mealy bugs this time.

  3. mera hibiscus plant repot krne ke baad complete murjha gaya hai..sare paate curl hoke jhuk gaye hai aor sukhte jaa rahe hai.kya plant survive karega..kitne din me asar dikhega.??kya krna chaiye? Prunning??

  4. Hi sir,,,plz sought out my question,,,I just planted da way u did past 3weejs back,,,but I hv just placed in direct sunlight n watering daily,,,but no growth,,,will it grow,,,n wat to do

  5. Thank you for the useful and simple video on growing Hibiscus from cutting. Just a small request. Please mention the month and location (place) where this is being done. There are many part of India with great variance in climate, etc. Knowing where you are doing this and when will help. Also, mention which is the ideal time to do this.

  6. From what I understand, find a branch that's about 4 inches long. Cut it at an angle and put it in about 1 inch into root hormone then make about a 3 to 4 inch hole in your soil and plant your cutting. Water the cutting and put it in shade.

  7. I’m so sick of trying to find informative gardening content on YouTube and clicking on something that appears to be suitable based on the title, description and user, only to discover that it’s in another language. I completely respect that content takes knowledge, time and money to create, and I appreciate that you’ve bothered to do so, but it’s deceptive!

  8. You seem to know how to propagate plants but im confused as to why every plant in those pots look damaged and as if you're growing twigs. I can't imagine wanting any of my plants looking distressed and as if they've been through a tornado.

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