March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How To Overwinter Perennials in Containers

In this episode we will be talking about perennials in containers and what to do when winter comes. This will apply to all perennials, not just the asparagus that I am showing.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Overwinter Perennials in Containers

  1. Liked your video. Listen to all of your videos..informative and focused. My question is about overwintering strawberries. I have been told that you can keep them in an unseated cellar. My cellar is around 50 degrees. Do you think this would be a good idea or not?

  2. I didn't understand the bit about the water. Do I wait for it to freeze and then fill the pot with water? Do I water heavily as its about to freeze. Maybe I misunderstood something but it sounded like you said to fill the post with water.

  3. What do I do if I don't have brick? I have a over hang and siding, the sun does get to the plant during the day. I try to remove snow from the pot, but I am not sure if I should do this or not.. what about the water freezing to kill the roots?

  4. what about cold climates? I live in southern Ontario. We have lots of fields of asparagus and strawberries in the area so I know that field crops overwinter. My location is clay soil so if I want asparagus, pots may be best. Can I leave them outside in the pots, even though it gets well below freezing every winter for months.

  5. My mother and dad, were just so smart into gardening. They always had plenty for neighbors and family. You are definitely the next best thing for knowledge. Thanks for your positivity and love of gardening, it makes it easy to enjoy learning more!

  6. Hi I have two blueberry bushes and a grape vine that I grew which is in a pot and needs to be eventually planted . I was wondering if I put them in my garage will they be ok with it any sunlight through the winter?

  7. Luke I'd like to grow a peach tree in a pot more or less because i have no room to plant it till i clear more brush can i do it live around Muskegon mi area

  8. Your potty 😛 I had a number of small pots covered over winter and come spring and all summer the flowers grew back better than last year, slim to none? I just moved all the plants by the wall of the house on decking.

  9. I've also read you can just trim the plant down, and cover the soil with a good level of mulch to help keep the temperature under control.

    I did this for my butterfly milkweed and they came right back up towards the beginning of spring.

    With the plant having sensitive roots, I thought it was good as dead, but I was wrong thankfully.

  10. I have 3 110 gallon containers outside. Everything that I have planted in it this fall has been established garlic that is. I used EZ Straw to mulch it. About 4 inches. I am planning on planting asparagus in the spring. I just went out and it is pretty much frozen, The top anyway. Do you think that these plants will make it through the winter here in Pennsylvani Zone 5-B?

  11. I'm not sure if I left my Callistemon Bottle Brush outside too late, since it was in the 35-40^o range when I brought it inside.

    The leaves are almost completely dried up but they are still attached and not totally crispy.
    Will it recover?

    I'm going to keep it until it looks totally dead, or if it doesn't start new growth in Spring I'll compost it.

    Any suggestions?
    Zone 9

  12. I'm not sure if I left my Callistemon Bottle Brush outside too late, since it was in the 35-40^o range when I brought it inside.

    The leaves are almost completely dried up but they are still attached and not totally crispy.

    Will it recover?

    I'm going to keep it until it looks totally dead, or if it doesn't start new growth in Spring I'll compost it.

    Any suggestions?

    Zone 9

  13. Thanks for this! I overwinter in my shed. How should I take them out of dormancy? Do I treat them like when I harden off seedlings…brief times in dappled sun to gradually longer times for a week? Or can I simply pull them all out when no danger of frost and water them? Thanks for your help!

  14. Who can help me decide when I can set my containers back out where they belong now that it’s early spring here in zone 5/6 Michigan??? The help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

  15. The rule of thumb I've always heard is that you can leave any container perennial outside overwinter on the ground as long as the plant is rated at least 1 hardiness zone below your region's hardiness zone. I believe Asparagus is something like a zone 3 plant, so anyone living in say zone 4 or 5 wouldn't have to worry about the plant dying in the container over winter.

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