March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Do I Have to Butcher My Farm Animals~

An honest conversation here. The main point of this Vid is to always do what works best for you and your farm. What others do should never effect how you run your homestead. Raising your own food sources is a serious commitment in all ways. While it may be true that you may not necessarily cull or butcher an animal from your farm but if you choose to sell them, understand there is a high likelihood that someone else will. This is all part of the reality of homesteading. Thanks for watching! xo
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Do I Have to Butcher My Farm Animals~

  1. Life is about life and death.    God gives us plants and animals so that we sustain life until we die.  Good plants and animals to eat are the ones you have raised and fed yourself.

  2. okay with that said i wonder if I could make something like this and run it plant based. now don't laugh at me ya'll but like she said you gotta run your place the best way that is best for you.Why can't a crafty Vegan do it to. I am not hating on anyone just because I chose to do without animal live stock docent mean I look down on anyone who dose. I would just love to learn how.

  3. Not to mention that if you keep and animal for milk and eggs eventually they aren't going to produce anymore and then what do you do? I personally don't eat meat. But I don't understand how people who do eat meat can ridicule you for raising your own meat. I guarantee that the animals that are raised on small farms were treated 1000 times better than the animal that your steak from the grocery store came from.

  4. Things change as time goes on. I started out with rabbits and pigs for meat and chickens for eggs. From there it went to goats for milk and meat and ducks for eggs. At this point, it is ducks and geese for their offspring and future sale. I am acquiring a Great Pyrenees dog on Monday and PLANS to get a couple angora rabbits for their fur. Sometime in the future, I would love to get an alpaca for the fiber. And I have planted a huge garden that has become of great interest to me. And planting beautiful flowers in strategic places is also a priority to me at this time. So I went from butchering pigs, goats, rabbits, and chickens to now butchering nothing. I know how to do it, but I am not interested in that aspect anymore. It happens.

  5. I'm 64 and most of my life I grew up on a farm. I have never heard anyone talk like you. Never once did I ever hear my daddy or grandfather talk about it being emotional. All I ever heard was talk about the meat. I never liked the ideal of butchering animals. I can't even watch a video about a dog. You seem so educated about homesteading. I love to hear your explanation on farm animals its wonderful. You my girl are a jack of all things. Its funny how you're a child and never thought butchering being emotional. So So glad I found your channel thank you

  6. I have a very very small place but I may be able to have some chickens or hens pretty soon if we buy some more land… maybe a goat or a sheep too… I don't plan on butchering them if that would be so… but… what do you do when the hens/chickens doesn't lay anymore? 🙂 And the other animals? Pets? Well like you said it's my business and no one elses but Is it possible to keep at least hens or chickens without butchering them?

  7. A hard concept, a hard reality………it's all part of the experience-life & death. I'm wayyy too soft and I can't change that. That's why I love watching you, so I can visit your experience and your love of animals and the whole homesteading experience. I think you made a fantastic choice to do it. It looks like a wonderfully rewarding (if hard, hard working) life. Keep on, Patara!!!! ;;)

  8. If folks are raising animals and not butchering them, then they are running a petting zoo, not a homestead. Everything on a homestead needs to pay their way.

  9. Great video, to add to this, we have animals into their golden years at times because they were exceptional in some way …. the golden years are not pretty for these animals, age exacts a heavy toll on them at some point.

  10. I really appreciate your point of view!
    I have a flock and I raise chicks every year, 50% of them (or more) are gonna be roosters. My initial problem was that I am vegeterian and I don't wanted to butcher the roosters myself but my mom said that she's gonna do it and she did it every year because she knowed that they had a good life with a lot of space and good feed.
    When you raise animals, you're have a special relationship with them, some of my hens are pets for me and others are just for eggs but I love them all and take care of them. There was a very special hen, she was about 9 years before she died naturally, she was the boss in the flock and was the friendliest of them.

  11. im looking forward to the day i get to raise and learn to cull my own chickens/turkey and finally get to go hunting to learn how to skin a buck or a hog (havent been able to do that yet cause ive been pregnant each time we get invited to go.) i got called a disgusting person (thanks mom) for wanting to butcher my own chickens and that i should just buy my meat from the store like every other normal person. i wasnt raised like that to butcher animals, we bought all our meat from the store growing up. wasnt til recently that i started wanting to get into it after buying 2 whole birds from Sams club that 1 was missing a wing the other both wings. i did a little research on it and started realizing big companies are the ones who are disgusting for the way the animals are raised and treated. even our eggs! i felt like a horrible mama not long ago cause we had to buy some store bought ones, we gave a dozen to some friends for a house warming gift not thinking we had promised some family breakfast the next morning. oh well the day i finally get to do it will be a sad day and i will probably cry but i know ill feel better about feeding my kids, my husband and i the meat that we knew everything about.

  12. Patara, every 10 years every cell in your body is replaced. That means you are a totally different person than you were 10 years ago. Have seen great change in myself 6 months ago, 1 year ago, 2 years ago, etc. What is the upshot of all this? It means it is OK to change your mind, about butchering or anything else!

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