A short clip of the cosmos from the garden. I just got a new camera that shoots in 4K so let me know what you guys think of the video quality.
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Forest Garden, Part 1: https://youtu.be/Nj01hzdMKFc
APPLE TREE FROM SEED, THE FIRST TASTE!!!: https://youtu.be/pWybLr-Byac
quality has never been a complaint of mine, i just need MOAR garden shots !
I love it! I totally love either quality to be honest. Keep them coming James!
the quality is great, and the cosmos are gorgeous
Looks great on my phone but on my Television it was awful.
I respect very honest and decent people, and which can support itself in the difficult moments Thank you that I have such a great friend as you like Our # 16
I love the cosmos. Not only just beautiful to look at, but attracts pollinators right? In my yard, I have a lot of fleabane, chocolate flowers and Eriogonums that can attract literal clouds of insect pollinators on a good day.
Film quality is very good the cosmos and the garden look great.
It looks awesome – the water drops are so clear, almost 3D. I wasn't going to upgrade my 6+ for 7 as I'm happy with it. But, I think I should considering I have a free upgrade available on my account. My main concern are the wireless headphones… Does it feel weird? Great video quality anyway! Happy Holidays!!!
Beautiful. Great pictures from the phone.
It looks great.Keep the biodiversity going ! !