March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Cochise Our Great Pyrenees, Chores & Cattle Panels~

So many chores, expansions and time with the animals. It is certainly always busy, but such a good life! Cochise, our Great Pyrenees, requires an enormous amount of commitment but has done exceptionally well with his 2 years of training. If you are interested in owning an LGD, please do your homework on true breeds and the extensive time and training it takes. It is a total commitment on the part of the owner.
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cochise Our Great Pyrenees, Chores & Cattle Panels~

  1. My internet friend it is always so delightful to walk around on your homestead with you. Thank you for talking your time to post all the videos you do. Healthy and well cared for live stock. You come across as a very nice likable lady. Thank you.
    GOD'S LOVE and JOY.

  2. I've watched a lot of videos from Europe of training herding dogs. As you say, that is just one specialty. Those dogs receive intense training from seasoned veterans in the field. Most people do not have the time (or skills) to dedicate to that these days. If one is committed to a certain breed for use on the farm, they should probably expect a greater learning curve and slower results. Not trying to discourage anyone, just want to be realistic so you don't give up 🙂

  3. I have 2 5 month old Pyrenees girls.  They were born alongside goat kids.  They live with my goats, and I never thought to supervise them.  I do work with them daily, but was never worried about them harming the goats.  They do chase the chickens and that is my battle.  Was yourLGD born alongside livestock??  I find them to be unbelievably smart animals.  Much smarter than my other 2 dogs.

  4. Right before it says to like and subscribe around 8:01 I would like. To know what breed of hen that is and what are they best at.
    Sitting on eggs to have them hatch or more for just egg production?

  5. It's so stinking dry I can't believe it. Pray you are getting rain. We get too much rain on this side of the country – we're north of Portland (over 90 inches of rain), but not enough sun – our solar panel have hardly produced squat in the last 2 weeks.

  6. Do you spread a light covering of DE down over the ground before strawing a area where different type animals were kept (i.e. Hog over to Goats) PS: Love the video's reminds me of growing up on my dad and Grandpa's 575 acre farm. Merry Christmas, sending prayers to you and your family especially for your husband, may the Lord lay his healing hands on his chest and heal him.

  7. Your kitty looks just like mine who was a cat who ran away from neighbors across the street & their pack of dogs who chased her terribly. She was "rescued" & given a home with us barn/indoor as she pleases. What a mouser! 🙂 I talk to mine just like you do lol. I love your videos of your animals….but you little tease if you show me those bisquits one more time I swear…. :)o

  8. We have 2 Gr Pyrs. The reason ours rolls in the cow poo and dirt in the pasture and semi pasture is to smell like the cattle. We found out that if they roll in the poo before going in the pasture the cattle pay no attention to them. To our cattle he is just another odd looking calf lol.

  9. This video affected so many senses! First of all..the train!!! Cows cows cows! The beauty of your property…and, concern for your hands. I watch you (in other vids also) do so much bare handed. Puzzles me how you keep from absolutely not slicing up your hands. Cochise is gawgiss! x, E. ps: Happy Thanksgiving from over the mountain!

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