We are picking jalapeno peppers to use in our lunch. We also do a weigh in of how many peppers we have picked year to date.
VIDEO: Picking Jalapeno Peppers
We are picking jalapeno peppers to use in our lunch. We also do a weigh in of how many peppers we have picked year to date.
What made you decide to start doing youtube? I am really liking your videos
Also could you go a little more into details on your onions. I think you called them multiplying onions or something like that
I am looking to get a self seeding or a self multiplying kind that I will not have to mess with replanting each year
Thanks! A side note I started in youtube as a way to keep up with what i was doing in the garden 
Wow those are some large pepper plants. What type of jalapenos are those?
Jalapenos RULE!!!!!!! Have you ever grown habanero peppers? I just subscribed you back
A "BIG" thumbs up
ROCK ON!!!!!!!
Nice Harvest. Thanks for sharing.