VLOG 63. The basic ideas behind making your farm more profitable without taking on more land or working more.
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1 Day Workshop: http://bit.ly/2cziu7v
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My online course: www.profitableurbanfarming.com
My book: www.theurbanfarmer.co
Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.
Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot: http://bit.ly/2cziu7v
Canon Rebel T6i: http://amzn.to/29JApHr
Canon wide angle lens 10-18mm: http://amzn.to/2a2t1pl
Shure Lens Hopper shotgun mic: http://amzn.to/29zpdMz
Joby Gorilla Pod (flexible tripod): http://amzn.to/29JBBu7
Go Pro action camera: http://amzn.to/29JBU8j
Phantom 4 Drone: http://amzn.to/29zqenG
iPad 4 for drone controller: http://amzn.to/29vwKdh
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Good content in there Curtis, Thanks for chairing.
Love you Curtis, been subbed since 1.7 yeasrs
9:45 I like to say "Quality over quantity, production over perfection."
Unlike Silas A, I don't love you Curtis but I do watch your videos…
when I first started selling my micro's to a farmstand, I went through 7 or 8 kitchen/postal scales to match their weight, because if it's not exactly 3 oz, they would comment about it.
finally I bought a for trade commercial retail scale and if it didn't match with what eve they are using, it's just the way it is.
so I successfully grown radish micros with two trays with seeds from Johnny's. so I gave both my customers samples to see if they are interested.
$200 for a video? $40 maybe, but $200????
isn't that the price to actually Attend the workshop?
Aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii.
Thank you for consistently putting out amazing content. You have inspired me to embark on my own farming adventure here as well as moving back home to Canada, to start an organic farm.
Love the content with JM. Looking forward to NZ footage from Robeck Farms
I would not be the same without your positive influence and guidance. Keep up the good work brother!!
daily vids and no advertisements added ???
and yep I would rather give extra than exact , at work the rooms flow is constantly getting held up making sure each box is within a GRAM !!!
i love this channel…. im just a home garden guy but also a concrete contractor. the 80/20 makes perfect since the guy doing the work (me) says good enough but another guys says thats not done right. Both ways ends with the end product being the same so i did 80 and i had to pay him an extra 20 to make it perfect…lol
quality isnt always perfect and again as a contractor product counts but quailty brings them back for more. its just so nice watching here cause its real life your talking about and how things work for you. keep up the good work and hope your new year is a good one
you are already a millionaire!?
It's like harvesting plums from a tree: leaving 20% for the insects/birds instead of harvesting it all can be quite beneficial
Inspiring!… Thanks Curtis.
good video, thanks.
Great vid, thanks Curtis.
Hi Curtis, I have been practicing organic gardening for about four years, I am finally getting all of the supplies together for my own farm/market stand. I am wondering if there is any lettuce varieties that can be direct seeded rather than transplanted? Thank you for all of the useful information, I hope in the near future I can donate to your channel so that the information you provide can continue to inspire the world around us!
Curtis, excellent video – there is one question I've always had but never received a good answer to. When running a business, all the profits belong to the business and as the owner, you're just another employee. How do you decide what to pay yourself for the time you spend running the business?
Excellent "focus" video !!!
Even though this info was in the book ("80/20 concept"…was that in the "working smarter" section: "ONLY 48 hrs or less a week"? lol)…this video is AWESOMER then that !
I always used the 80/20 as a 'rule of thumb'
you are right its a cliche.
old growth trees split at the 80 percent mark when you cut them down
so you could say its a natural law.
I always liked the 80/20 rule. It's useful in any type of business.
This video was good enough for me, thanks.
Thank you for making this video this was extremely helpful to explain the 80/20 rule and the "good enough factor"
Is it possible to quantify the loss of return based on the lack of weeding?
incredible advice man! thanks!
If everybody runs their farm under this rule (focusing on profitable crops and getting rid of the rest), won't we end up with less variety of veggies at the farmers market?
I gotta pause the video to tell you how much I appreciate your videos. I hope to someday be where you are at as far as business. I have been self employed through the internet for years, but I am sick of sitting at the computer and I don't find much purpose in my work. I find purpose in gardening and I feel that it is so fulfilling to be able to give someone food, especially healthy food. I am sort of living through your videos lately. I have big dreams, but I get stuck looking so far into the future. I know I can do it, don't get me wrong, but I have a long way to go.
My first idea was organic heirloom tomatoes, I live in Wisconsin and with the friends I have I figured "who wouldn't buy organics from me when they buy organic anyway." I am a self taught internet/affiliate market so I understand decently how to put things in front of people. I realize from watching your videos that my initial assumptions about what I would be able to do with primarily tomatoes is probably not going to happen, but I still see opportunity. I appreciate the information you share. This will be my 2nd year gardening but I am going big this year.
Won't you basically end up as a monocrop farmer, if you continue to drop the lowest value crops? (serious question, not trolling)
Thanks to your videos and insight i am starting to get the foundation and business plan together to run something like this in the states. Ohio specifically. Maybe even have an investor already to get started out of the gate swinging.
Hi Curtis! First of all, great video(s)!
One small thing, though: I may be wrong or we might just have a different perspective, but I don't agree on the part where you say that weeding doesn't have a quantifiable
If you'd compare a bed of non-weeded crops with a bed that
you did weed, the difference in yield from those fields would be the
quantified return of weeding (simplified..). In agricultural sciences, this concept is known as "yield gap" (http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4695e.pdf).
Keep up the great work!
where are you getting your produce bags clam shells etc supplies???