July 4, 2024

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Last Field Garden Harvest of 12 Million Sunflower Seeds

  1. I doubt sunflowers would have held up to the months of heavy rains we had here, now it's snowing. Smart way to plant late for the birds, what a great harvest. Chicken and eggs are really unhealthy to eat.

  2. Great harvest. Are you going to do a video showing how you deal with the stalks? I have been running my sunflower and corn stalks through a small wood chipper, but was wondering if there was a better alternative.

  3. Hi Mark, You've inspired me to try sunflowers again. A few years ago when they were just coming up, something had eaten them. I have a wooded area behind my house so I figured squirrels, birds, rabbits, chipmunks, etc. That was my first and only sunflower attempt.
    With my renewed inspiration, I thought for this year's attempt, i'd start them indoors in large solo cups and transplant them once they're larger. Do you think that will make a difference in my predator problem? Any suggestions? Thanks.

  4. What do you do with the sunflower stalks and roots – leave them to rot or pull them out? I left mine in, just cut them near the ground, but they're still very much there now in March…. I read somewhere that sweetcorn likes to follow sunflowers because they can exploit the channels made by the sunflowers' roots, but not if they're still occupying them!

  5. Mark have you tried to plant cover crops after cash crop, and to collect seeds from cover crops too? For example harvested rye on july 3., and i am thinking about to plant spring vetch with sorghum – sudangrass ( or spring vetch only) in july, to get winter – killed but to collect seeds after winter killed, or before that. Will it be possible in your zone 6? If it will, then you don't need to buy cover crops seeds, and that can be sustainable solution at all, and you will have both seeds from cover crops, and from cash crops. Please answer me as,soon as you can. Thanks!

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